if your president/prime minister decided to dye their hair neon colours, would you still respect them as the same, why or why not?

  1. Depends on why. Because they wanted a new look? I wouldn’t care. As a political or social statement? It would depend on the statement, but probably not.

    As chief executor of the government, they represent all their constituents, not just some of them.

  2. President being over 70, difficult to imagine him doing that.

    Prime minister instead,.. she is under 40, so maybe. But hardly before the elections.

  3. I live in the United States. If you’ve made it to the presidency you’ve already lost my respect.

    Your hair color is irrelevant.

  4. Nah it’s their actions and policies that speak values not their appearance. I mean look at Cheeto man terrible president but looks like normal sis older white male 🤷🏻‍♀️

  5. Yes I would respect them the same which is none. Rishi Sunak is an evil prick with short man syndrome.

  6. I’d be embarrassed. I wouldn’t respect them any less but that’s because there’s very very few politicians that I respect at all. Can’t go deeper than rock bottom.

  7. Dude, the thought of Joe Biden just deciding to dye his hair neon outta nowhere is honestly funny as fuck to me.

  8. I mean, it wouldnt increase my respect for him.

    but it wouldnt decrease, because for it to drop any lower, would be a mathematical impossibility.

    I hate hypocrites and double standards, and by default, i hate politicians and lawyers because both commit these acts hourly.

  9. It would depend on why and who it was.

    Broadly I don’t care about what someone does with their hair, clothing, body, whatever. Not my business, but it does need to suit the job and/or not negatively impact the results they would get…that might be my business.

    If a country’s leader went neon green it’s not likely that other leaders would respect that person as much…which means their ability to do their job is impacted, which means they’ve chosen an unnecessary path which impacts their citizens…that I do not respect.

  10. Two problems:

    1. He is bald
    2. I don’t respect him in the first place. Not because of his looks, but because he is a corrupt bastard

  11. My homecountry’s president is a muppet and the president of the country I currently live in gives 0 fucks about people. Nothing they do will make me respect them

    Edit: anyone who guesses the countries gets a cookie

  12. I don’t care how they look I only care about what they do. The president could be a complete emo goth who wears kiss makeup everyday and I would care less as long as their political views where similar to mine and they did a good job.

  13. I don’t respect Frank-Walter Steinmeier regardless of his hair color.

    And Olaf Scholz has no hair to speak of.

  14. He’s only about take over the premiership, but honestly it would hardly be the most embarrassing thing Varadkar’s done in the past few weeks.

  15. I’d have to look up who currently is the “president” of my country. At the end of the day he’s human, and i honestly don’t care what product he or she puts in his or her hair.

  16. No. God, dyed hair is pathetic vanity at the best of times.

    That’s assuming I respected him to start with, of course.

  17. I would respect them less unless they also styled it upright full super super saiyan style then I would respect them more.

  18. Don’t think I’d notice. Paying attention to politics makes me angry. Blaming each other for the problem instead of sitting down and solving the problems in a way that 50% of the population can agree to.

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