This happend a few weeks back.
I remember the first part of the evening clearly, just a really cheerful mode and everybody was having a good time. I do not drink often and I guess I just lost control completely… somewhere after dinner it is all black to me, except for a few fragements (getting inside a cab, but not going anywhere, holding this guys face between my hands)… If I were to puzzle it all together I would probably have 2-3 minutes instead of the 5 hours which was the actual time I attended the party. No memory at all of what I have said.
I woke up with the girl colleague that I shared room with (thank God!) and she retelled a lot of the stupid shit I had done… In front of everyone I work with.
I had a lot of anxiety as I cheated on my partner and once I got back, I re-telled some of the things that I heard I did. We had a fight but we are kind of OK now.

Everyone at work looks at me weird. They know my private situation, some had even tried talking me out of hooking up with this guy during the party. I am not sure how to proceed. Ignore everything? Find a new job? Anyone been in a similar situation? I have a hard time not thinking about this constantly.

  1. You’re probably going to have to find a new job. Let this be a lesson to everyone that a WORK Christmas party is not the place or time to let loose. I’m sorry but there are repercussions for actions, even if you don’t remember them.

    It is a WORK function. You will be judged.

  2. Get a new job. If a partner did that and wanted to stay, it’d be a red flag they plan to do it again.

  3. I would start by proceeding with some form of rehab, giving your SO full 24/7 access to your phone, a written confession, and yes finding a new job.

    You deserve all the awkward looks at work. You earned that. Your boyfriend however doesn’t deserve to wonder if you are interacting with the guy you cheated with every day you go to work. So find a new job asap.

  4. Find a new job and control your drinking. Work parties are not the place you want the get plastered.

  5. Do you recall how much you drank exactly? How well do you know and trust your coworkers? No chance you could’ve been drugged is there? If no drugs were involved then you really must have drank quite a lot to remember that very little of the night and if you had just had dinner, you should have been able to tolerate the alcohol better than you could on an empty stomach.

  6. Yep , work party I always say to myself 3 drinks MAX, for this exact reason. You are being judged by how your carry yourself at work Wether it’s work or social function. Imagine on how your partner will feel when you can bring an SO to the next event. So humiliating. Lesson learned and you may want to evaluate how you monitor your alcohol intake in general. What if you were at a bar/club with friends. If you had to be told how you acted that’s bad 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩

  7. You’re nearly 30. I get being a teen and not knowing your limit, but you really don’t have an excuse here. You’re lucky he’s so young. He won’t know any better. I’d stay away from the OH for a while, and never drink without moderation again.

  8. If u want things to work out with ur partner u need a new job.

    And damn. 28 years old getting black out drunk at a party where ur partner is not present. U are saying “thank god I woke with a girl collegue” just tells me this could have gone way worse.

    My best advice is figure out ur alcohol limits. Like know when to stop. So u dont go black out again.

    Also not to judge or anything but very funny age gap, where did u meet ur partner. Like is he the same stage at life as u are?

  9. It’s okay if you stay at work, but let your partner know about the situation and let them leave you if they want.

  10. Kind of OK now? If I have learned anything reading stories here is that after cheating even if they say they are fine and have forgiven people are usually tomrmented by thinking about it until they reach breaking point or spiral into insecurity due to loss of trust. You will know whther you are OK much much later.

  11. A lot of these posts could be avoided if people didn’t drink to the point of blacking out and embarrassing themselves!!

  12. I was 24 years old at this time. At a office party I got liquored up, had sex with a young lady my same age who also worked here. My friend picked me up around 3 a.m. at her apartment, one problem, she was the daughter of the company’s owner.

    The next Monday I showed up to work thinking only she and I knew what happened…nope, most had a very good idea what happened. To say it was uncomfortable would be a understatement. I was terrified her father would find out, I’d be fired then my ass kicked. I was getting the looks and quite treatment for a few days. But it blew over.

    Look, everyone makes mistakes even many of those who you believe are judging you. If it’s a job you enjoy and look forward to working at hang in there see how you feel in a week or so.

  13. Find a new job and control yourself

    Lesson learned, you deserve to be judged for this

    Drinking isn’t an excuse…you’re lucky your partner is with you still

  14. You’re going to have to find a new job. You’re 28 years old and got blackout drunk at a WORK party and cheated on your partner. Your credibility is shot. Find a new job and stop drinking if you want to save your relationship with your partner.

  15. Lesson learned: don’t get blackout drunk at a work event. In fact, if there’s a chance it will end up crossing the boundaries of your partner, you should probably not get blackout drunk at all.

  16. You’re more concerned about your reputation at work than the fact you cheated on your bf. Again. Sheesh, what a lucky guy

  17. Tell your SO you cheated? At any rate you cannot bring him to any work functions with them in the dark. But you need to fess up and let him decide if they want to be with you

  18. Your relationship is practically guaranteed to end in due time…..and people at the party now believe you are an alcoholic. You should seek therapy to see if you have some underlying issues.

  19. You cheated on your partner and you’re concerned about what your work colleagues think? Seriously?

    Tell your partner so he can break up with you and find someone who isn’t going to cheat on him and then reflect on whether that job is going to work out or not given the circumstances.

  20. Find a new job if possible, in the meantime, don’t let it show that you’re upset about this. Laugh it off, act how you imagine a confident man would act in the same situation.

    I don’t feel like now is the time to give a sermon on not getting too drunk at work parties, but yeah. Everyone should take note for the holiday season.

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