What do you think about cauliflower ears?

  1. It exists and is something a person should check with their doctor about. It’s caused by injuries generally and can be an unfortunate side effect of some martial arts and violence-centered hobbies. It can affect someone’s hearing significantly negatively.

  2. I didn’t think anything of them until someone on Twitter noticed a MAFS Australia groom had one and they thought it looked like a newborn mouse nestling in his ear and now that’s all I see too!

  3. I had a friend who used to cage fight and he had them, it wasn’t a big deal, I didn’t notice until he pointed them out. Having said that it should probably be discussed with a doctor!

  4. I didn’t even know what those were till you posted this. TIL about cauliflower ears.

    Ehh…that must’ve hurt? I’m not gonna not be friends/partner with someone cause of their ears.

  5. Well it makes me glad that I’m not an MMA fighter. But I wouldn’t think any less of someone who has them.

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