hello everybody, i sometimes struggle to orgasm when masturbating or getting head etc. (& of course from penetration but that‘s a different topic haha) and heard about that some women concentrate on squeezing the right muscles down there? how does that work? or does anyone have tips for me how i can orgasm faster? are there techniques or something like that?
it‘s so frustrating for me that i need so much time (when seemingly a lot of women can orgasm within a few minutes) and since i always think about that i want/„need“ to cum faster i am too much in my head and can‘t orgasm at all

also i am sorry if i have any spelling mistakes etc. – english is not my native language 🙂

  1. >i always think about that i want/„need“ to [come] faster i am too much in my head and can‘t orgasm at all

    This is the problem. The biggest sex organ is the brain and if your brain is in the way, you can’t orgasm. You need to find a way to keep your brain in the moment or at least occupied with something that doesn’t hinder the process. Some people use porn or erotica or substances, but I do meditation. Every day. It teaches you how you notice when your mind is wandering and focus back on your body.

  2. Something that helped me was omgyes.com, highly recommend. You will learn a bunch of techniques, it will help you discover your body and it will also help you let go, you need to focus on the sensation, not thinking “fuck, why can’t I come”. Learning to let go is hard, but practice make it easier

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