
Could you break down a brief list of your monthly expenses?

I understand housing highly depends on location and everyone has different cases.

Thank you!

  1. I live in central Jersey, about 45 minutes from Manhattan, in a generally wealthy area. I also have 2 kids.

    – Rent= 2000
    – Groceries = 1000
    – Gas heat, water, electric = 300
    – Internet = 65
    – Cellphones = 80
    – Gas and tolls = 500
    – Car and life insurance= 250
    – Childcare = 1600

    I think that’s about it… There’s always more like eating out or wife single-handedly keeping Amazon in business.

  2. Retired so not that much

    Phone $50

    Electric $75 average (some months really low some a lot higher)

    Property tax $250

    Car insurance $100

    Groceries $300 to $500 depending on the season

    Gas $50

    Healthcare premiums $75

  3. $400 rent and utilities, $200 groceries, $100 public transport, $70 cell phone plan, $230 for clothes, going out, fun.

  4. Rent: $1175 (this is obscenely low for my area, I got this apartment at just the right time)

    Groceries: $250ish (this includes stuff like toilet paper, cleaning products, etc)

    Internet: $75

    Cell Phone: $79

    Health insurance: $300

    Electric: $35

    Streaming services: $50

    Pet care: $200

    Misc: Probably $100 – $500 depending on the month.

  5. I live in Oregon in a household of two adults. Cost of living here is cheap compared to NYC but, like, not actually very cheap.

    Rent is about $1,000. (We are EXTREMELY lucky.)

    Utilities including electric, water, garbage, internet, phone, and “tv” ie netflix amazon etc, is about $400.

    We probably spend another $100 on random “entertainment” expenses each month.

    Groceries is about $400

    Eating out is probably $500, which we always talk about cutting back on.

    We don’t own a car but I occasionally rent one for personal needs, which comes to around $100 per month, plus (lets say) $50 for gas.

    Combined health-related costs average out to around $150 per month. Health insurance is covered entirely by our jobs thank jeebus.

    We each have some personal debt and we pay around $1000 per month total on that.

    Then you have whatever random occasional expenses come up like vet visits, occasional leisure travel, buying a new couch or new clothes, etc. We usually end up with anywhere between $500 and $1000 in cash left over which goes into some combination of savings accounts. I put money into a retirement account before it appears on my paycheck.

  6. $900 mortgage (includes tax and insurance)
    ~$360 groceries
    $130 HOA
    $60 water
    $60 electricity
    $60 auto insurance
    $50 internet
    $35 heating
    $17 Netflix
    $13 YouTube Premium
    $6 Dollar Shave Club
    $6 security cameras

  7. Mortgage: ~$3,500 + ~$250 insurance + ~$900 taxes

    Electricity: ~$12 (+ ~$200 at true up)

    Water: ~$70

    Internet: ~$80

    Phones: ~$55

    Car: ~$900 (including insurance)

    Groceries: ~$500-600

  8. For my family of five, approximately:

    $150 for transit

    $1300 for housing, including utilities

    $400 for groceries

    $40 in various entertainment subscriptions

    $100 for phone lines and home Internet

    That’s just under half my after-tax income in recurring expenses; the rest goes into investments, a retirement account, home renovation, and discretionary spending.

  9. Queens, NY

    Mortgage: $1000 of the $2300 total. My fiancée owns in a co-op. We’re still working out how much and when I start accruing equity.

    Joint Savings: $2250
    Personal Savings and stock: $1500
    401k: $600 + $400 from my employer
    Food and Dining: $1000
    Entertainment: $500
    Insurance: $225
    Transportation: $20

  10. North suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia – per month (rough estimates):

    Mortgage: $1200 (2 bedroom townhouse, including insurance and taxes and HOA fees. I lucked out when I bought my place. I couldn’t find one for this price right now.)

    Utilities: $500 (roughly, includes electric, gas, water, internet, sewer, trash)

    Phone: $250 (this is high, but I provide phone and internet for a relative who is a disabled vet and a tablet/data account for my in-laws)

    Entertainment: $500 (I don’t have cable TV but I subscribe to a lot of streaming services, news media, magazines, and I buy a lot of books for Kindle)

    Groceries: $1000 (2 people … we eat well, but we hardly ever eat out)

    Auto: $500 ($210 car payment, $120 for auto insurance, the rest for gas, maintenance, and licensing)

    Housecleaners: $430 (I pay $200 every 2 weeks to have my house cleaned and it’s the best money I spend each month. I’d cut my grocery budget to ramen and boxed mac n cheese if it meant I could keep my house cleaners.)

  11. * Mortgage: $1600
    * Groceries: $1500
    * Utilities/Bills: $300
    * Gas: $200
    * Eating out/Entertainment: $1000
    * Kids stuff: $500
    * Hobbies: $500
    * Misc stuff: $1000

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