Do you believe in astrology & why if you do?

  1. I do not believe in astrology, but I think it can be fun to read your horoscope and see what it says. It is interesting to see if the predictions come true or not.

  2. Yes. I don’t follow it devoutly the way some people follow religion but I don’t see what’s so ridiculous about believing the position of celestial bodies and the location of your birth will have an effect on your general personality and life trajectory. One needs to only look at the moon and the tides. 🌚

  3. I don’t necessarily believe in it, but i have found it somewhat useful for self reflection about my personality and tendencies. I have found it to be more accurate than chance.

    But no, I don’t refuse to date scorpios or hate all virgos or whatever.

  4. I don’t believe in astrology for the same reason I don’t believe in any religion. I dedicated my life to science and it’s the only thing I trust.
    And guess what, astrology is made up.
    But I like to read it sometimes for fun! 😊

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