My partner and I have been together for 3+ years now. Our sex lives have been on and off, but mostly off. I’ve expressed to my partner that I need more from them. I feel like a large part of me has been shut down and locked away. I don’t think our sex lives are adventurous enough as I’d like. It’s very vanilla. I sometimes wonder if I should bring up the idea of having an open relationship. I love them and I can see myself marrying them, so this is just a matter of sexual pleasure. I’m not sure. What would you?

1 comment
  1. Suggesting a open relationship could literally hurt their feelings and it’s something that literally only benefits you at the end of the day. If you loved this person and wanted a future with them that wouldn’t really be on ur mind. maybe take a break from the relationship and go and explore ur desires bc honestly I would much rather get dumped than hearing my significant other asking for a open relationship.

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