Hello everyone, I would like to ask for some advices.
I have this relationship and every aspect is really awesome.
However there’s something that I have been worried about, it’s that my GF told me that she will never have an orgasm cause she’s afraid of that. Everytime we are close to it she immediately stops cause she feels like she’s loosing control and feels like she’s gonna explode. I told her to try it but she is really scared of the experience and has told me that she will prefer not to have one (never had one btw(

I would like to help her to be able to fully enjoy, do you have any tips to make her feel more comfortable when she’s close to it so she can experience it? Or any other advice related?


  1. She needs to talk about this with women she is comfortable with, friends, family, doctor, therapist, etc.

  2. Not uncommon, especially amongst younger people. My first GF was like this as well. We weren’t together for very long but she always made it a point that we stop our activities if she thought she was getting close.

    Personally, I think this is going to have to proceed at her pace and comfort level. Her fears are irrational but she needs to work through this at her own pace. You’re here to be supportive of that process and just realize that her reluctance to orgasm isn’t about *you* or your “prowess”. She just needs time to relax and become more comfortable with the idea.

  3. “Losing Control” is literally what an orgasm is…..in a good way though.

    Sounds like, anxiety? I wouldn’t recommend it as a habit, but you could try alcohol or marijuana to calm the nerves and see if that helps with getting closer to losing control more comfortably.

    And as mentioned here already…..a therapist might help, specifically a sex therapist.

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