okay this is my first post here so im sorry if its not the best. so i met this girl at university and weve become really close and i cant deny that i have feeling for her (and i think she has them too). anyway im about to go home for Christmas and im in her room helping her pack and she asks me to pick something off the top shelf because she catn reach it (im a tall guy and shes short and its kind of an inside joke so we both giggled when she asked). so i go to pick it up and she lunges forward and hugs me and rests her head on my chest. i was surprised but i hug her back anyway and start stroking her hair. i hear her start to tear up and she says im gonna miss you (name). so i say i will too and she looks up at me and smiles and if there was ever a “signal” it was then and we both went in for the kiss (too long for a mistake). immidiately after it was awkward, like we’d done something wrong but it felt right at the same time. so i said goodbye and left and i havent stopped thinking about it since.

For some context, her boyfriend (22M) is very unsupportive and she complains about him all the time. he will dissapear without messaging her for days and never gives her complements and stuff (cmon shes so cute like give her something). so ive kind been doing that for her, like telling her she looks good and making sure she knows im here for her.

thanks for reading if you made it this far. what do i do? i think we both have feeling for eachother but she is in a long term relationship (about 3 years i think) and i think shes trapped. any advice would be great :).

  1. She is what people call “Emotionally cheating” with you. I personally wouldn’t enter this kind of situation unless I knew I could physically deal with an angry man with a gun/friends coming after me.

  2. You’re likely her emotional affair partner. She doesn’t need to choose, she already has, her bf that’s why she’s still with him. You provide the emotional aspect she doesn’t get from him.

    Most you can do is let her know you have feelings and feel conflicted because of what happened and needing space.

    You could ask her how she feels etc. Given we don’t know her situation.

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