I recently went through a confusing breakup. We were only dating for a month, but the break was so messy and eruptive… I don’t want a repeat of this in the future… problem is… I don’t know what I did wrong, so I don’t know what to correct…


What was the problem?: He said I moved too fast for him.


Important Information:

\- From his dating profile: “I like to go slow, to go fast. I like to take things slow.”

\- We had been seriously dating for a month, but we had been communicating for about 2 months.

\- We were exclusive.

\- We had sex a couple of times.

\- I met his friends and family (his idea).

\- We had been on 6 dates (not including brief visits). These dates were mostly coordinated by him.

\- We spoke daily (usually one to two texts a day, e.g. “I hope your day is going well”).

\- He was never a big phone communicator. I was usually the first to reach out.

\- He’s taking medication for anxiety and/or depression. I’ve struggled with these things too. He’s not in therapy, because he says it’s too expensive. I was in therapy for years, so I understood what he meant.


My aunt died tragically and my mom’s heart nearly gave out as a result of stress. I wasn’t expecting my boyfriend to cater to all my emotional needs (I didn’t want to burden him), but I did want some emotional support. I told him previously that communication was something I valued and wanted to increase. He agreed that this was something he valued too, but his communication habits remained the same; He was great on dates, but we never had any conversations in between. This bothered me, so I addressed it. I told him that I didn’t feel close to him when he wasn’t physically present and I asked him if there was anything we could do to change that. He immediately got defensive, “I’ve never heard this before!”. He asked me what I wanted from him and I told him that I would appreciate it if we spoke over the phone a couple of times a week. I told him that the calls could be brief (only a few minutes), but that was what I needed to feel secure. He told me, “that sounds like a chore”… I was so shocked and heartbroken by his response. I didn’t feel like I was asking a lot from him. He then told me that we had just met and that I was moving too fast for him, “I like to take things slooow. How am I suppose to keep track of when to call?” He then told me that he would try to reach out more, but he couldn’t make any promises. As a compromise, I told him that one call a week would be sufficient until we got into a groove.

While I was out of town for my aunt’s funeral, he called me while I was inside a gift shop. I was in the shop looking for souvenirs, but mostly I was in the shop to unwind away from my family. I’m black, so when I entered the gift shop I made small talk with the shop owner so that he would feel comfortable with me in his store. When my boyfriend called, I had my AirPods in. I took his call away from the shopkeeper, but the shopkeeper sought me out to continue the conversation we had been having. Since I had my AirPods in, the shopkeeper didn’t realize that I was on the phone. I have social anxiety, so this was a really awkward moment for me. I didn’t tell him that I was on the phone, instead, I spoke to him. The shopkeeper just wanted to ask me a few brief questions. As I answered him, I could hear my boyfriend hemming and hawing on the phone, “What the fuck?! Are you serious? Hey… I’m gonna bounce.” I hung up the phone, then called back my boyfriend once I left the shop. I apologized for the rudeness, then tried to explain the situation. He said that he understood, but I could feel that he was still resentful. I kept our conversation short and apologized again before hanging up.

Our relationship went straight to hell from there. He continued to be reactive/defensive… to the point where I felt the need to apologize constantly… it was all little stuff, but he blew everything out of proportion as if I was criticizing him, but I never criticized anything that he did.


This relationship was so confusing to me… I don’t know what I could have done differently. Was I too fast? When would it have been a good time to have the “closeness” discussion?

1 comment
  1. Hi! I relate to you about the communication situation. I truly think you did nothing wrong. I personally want my boyfriend and I to talk over the phone more, but he told me that he’s a bad texter. I understood, and he’s been trying to do better. However, if he responded to me the same way yours did, I would’ve exited the relationship. I feel like he overreacted and treated you like you were the problem when you respectfully communicated how you felt, as all healthy relationships should be. He could’ve chose his words way differently. Also, if he showed these signs this early on, I’m sure it would’ve gotten way worse. In my opinion, you did everything right and you didn’t deserve to be treated that way.

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