I (22M) have been talking to a girl (21) for three months now.

A few days ago she told me that she doesn’t think she could be in a relationship with me because of the amount I talk when we hang out sometimes. For example, she brought up the other night when we went to dinner and I really just didn’t have much/know what to say.

She’s definitely in the right about this being a problem, and I need to find a way to fix it because I don’t want to lose her over something that I want to, but don’t know how to fix.

I talk a good amount with my close friends, so I guess the root of the problem is not being fully comfortable with her yet. I’m desperate so any advice is greatly appreciated.

  1. Why are you desperate. She is not better than you. You should never be desperate you probably have the personality of a soyboy that’s the reason she doesn’t like you.


    Anyways if you have any passions, hobbies or goals in life talk about those and how much you love them.

    Another thing is speak your mind even if you disagree that’s what normal people do

  2. The root cause of your problem is stated in your post“I don’t want to lose her.” Thinking like that will cause you to overthink everything and not be yourself.

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