Hi, I’ve improved my physique a lot through exercise and feel like I should update my dating app pictures, but I don’t really know how to do this. I don’t really socialise much and am never in a situation where someone happens to take my picture. How do I take better pictures, even if it is just at home?

  1. Best option is to pay a pro. You don’t want to take pictures at home. It’s better to go outside and take various shots in parks, cafés, or city centers. Places you would go on for a date. The same goes with your outfit -> pick clothes that would befit a date. Do not do shirtless pics even if you have a good physique. You can show your physique by wearing well fitted clothing.

    Alternatively you can pay someone who is a hobby photographer for the job, they charge much less. You can typically find them on instagram where they usually have few followers. If you allow them to use the pictures on their social media / website / portfolio then they can usually give you it very cheap or sometimes even for free if you’re a goodlooking guy.

    The most important two tips I could give you for the photoshoot is to dress well and smile / laugh in the pictures.

  2. tying in with what /u/norwegiandoggo said, the best way is to hire either a professional or hobby photographer. personally i think a hobby one works just fine, assuming they have a basic sense of lighting and backdrops, you don’t really need to shell out the extra bucks.

    i’d recommend if you’re paying a photographer you could bring some extra clothing so it doesn’t all look like you took all your pictures in the same session. or you could layer up and subsequently strip down if it’s a colder time of year.

  3. Get a selfie stick. It works. It really works. You can get a much better angle that includes more of the background and your arm doesn’t get in the way.

    Take dozens of pictures at a time and choose the best one. Try different angles, different sides of your face, change your position relative to the background.

    Take pictures doing interesting things that highlight who you are.

  4. Ask strangers to take your picture real quick. Just get as many pictures of yourself as you can and you will learn how you look best.

  5. Get someone to take a photo of you doing something fun. I don’t really cared about your physique. I want to know you’re fun.

  6. Hi! 25f here. I disagree with those who said to take professional photos, as I highly dislike them and usually swipe left, but maybe it’s just me. The tripod thing is good but not really necessary. My best tip would be placing your phone in front of a window with good lighting, put it into selfie mode + video, back away and smile or do whatever. Then you take the video and screenshot your good angles. There you go!
    Oh, I would recommend not choosing more than one picture from the same “shooting” to upload on tinder, as I find it unimaginative. Try doing this multiple times, with diffenrenf clothing and angles. Pose with a pet, that’s always cute. Good luck.

  7. You dont have a single friend that can take your picture? Thats a red flag… having only solo selfies, it screams “I’m antisocial!” Even worse if all the pictures are indoors… Do not take a bathroom selfie… And not in your car either. Yikes. Have some variety, like take them on different days. You are tell8ng a story of who your are. You dont want the pics to say, “i have no friends, no family, i care more about how i look than connecting with others” .. or maybe you do. It seems quite popular, that story.

    Most people rarely happen to take a picture because they think of it- you have to actually ask. Its not hard. It might feel humbling, but its good practice for a relationship where you have to interact socially if you want to get anywhere, lol. If pic doesnt turn out, ask someone else, again, another time. People generally like to help others.

    Try to get a picture of you with your friend(s) or in a group, if you have any. Go outside. You cant beat the natural lighting of the sun. Plan something that will be a picture op, like having dinner with your mom. Remember you are taking these pictures for an audience… so if its women, capture things, real things about you, that would apeal to women, like an ability to connect with others and be trustworthy. If you want casual hookups, and maybe just looking for men, then yeah, take all the bathroom pics- selfies of your abs and ass and people seeking casual hookups may be less likely to care whether or not you’re able to carry a conversation or connect and care about something other than yourself. But again, if you want to attract women, for a relationship, you need to convey things that are attractive to *women*, in an honest way. Sunlight will do you more favors than a lone bathroom bulb. Its not the end of the world to have all selfies, if there is variety. It has to have balance overall. I do end up talking to men that have all selfies…. but they do tend to be very self absorbed or insecure in the end, in my experience, so we rarely actually meet up. Thats why i put emphasis on the window they are showing me into their lives. If there arent any other people in their life, i will likely have ALOT of burden of social responsibility put on me and im not a cure-all, im just a human who happens to also be a woman. Good luck!

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