Well guys, it’s that time of year again and it’s my turn to go through the once in a lifetime event known as PROM. I have so many things I’m anxious about and I’m scared for my life. First anxiety is well going alone. Yeah, I have friends that are going there too but all of them will have dates and will probably be hanging with them most of the time while I’m there looking like a dejected nerd. I’m hoping that there is some little area where can just sit and chill while everybody does their thing. Second anxiety is this girl. It’s complicated but basically me and this girl used to be good friends and now basically despise each other (I did try talking things out but got ghosted of course). I am really not looking forward to seeing her at the prom but I know I shouldn’t let her have so much power over me and I should have fun so plan is to try my best to suck it up. Third anxiety is looking good of course. I’ve never worn anything as fancy as a suit in my life and I really don’t wanna be that one ugly guy that shows up :(. Aaand those are the major fears I’m concerned about. I’m sure in a year, all of this stuff won’t even matter to me but you know :). All advice, comments, criticisms, and insults are welcome. Thank you guys in advance.

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