How do you cope with your mistakes/perfectionism at work?

  1. I’ve been at my first real job for a month and a half so it’s really something I struggle with right now.

    Mostly I try to take a step back. Is this mistake irreparable ? It never is, it can always be fixed. Is that deadline actually a real deadline that will have an impact if it’s missed or is it just because someone decided so ? Is my mistake putting in peril anything significant ? Most often no.

    And I have to make mistakes. I’m learning. And I’m not meant to be perfect anyway. I’ll fuck up and I’ll know how to fix my fuck up. At the end of the day it’s just work and I’ll get home and have time for my real life

    At least that’s my headspace right now.

  2. I have no other cure than to make more mistakes and realise a bit more with every one you make that the world didn’t cease to exist, nobody died and you’re only human. It starts to dawn after a while.

  3. I look at the thousands of dollars of ECO’s caused by engineering mistakes every week and it makes me feel better

  4. Learn from them and know that working years and years in a job and there will always be something new to learn. Do your best, double check if you can and dont sweat the small stuff

  5. Just remember that everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and every professional has been a beginner once.

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