So I’ve been seeing this guy for around 6 months casually (1-3 times per month). I originally told him I want something casual but now I changed my mind. He’ll do nice things like when I ask him for a favour he’s always up for it, compliment me and is generally very nice to me when together. But we don’t text (other than to meet up) and I don’t really show him I like him when we’re together (tbh I almost act as if we’re acquaintances, I’m not touchy with him outside the bedroom or anything like that). I don’t know what to do, when I’ll see him next I’ll probably bring something up but I’m scared of rejection (cause I like him lol). How should I approach it??

  1. Honestly I know the feeling. I always think honesty is the best policy as it will save you a lot of pain later on.

    As a guy, I really like it when a girl I am seeing let’s me know how she appreciates what I’m doing. Maybe hint that those are things you look for in a potential partner.

    If he doesn’t get the hint I would just let me know how you feel. At the end of the day you’ve been seeing him for 6 months.

    I hope it works out for you 🙂

  2. You shouldn’t act.

    You should be true and honest with yourself and with him.

    Love takes courage. You don’t want to be vulnerable you never have a chance for true love.

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