I like a girl who was in one of my classes at university. We were getting along really well, but she stopped coming to classes toward the end of the semester. I was planning to ask for her phone number and also ask her out for coffee or something till the time she was attending classes, but I couldn’t as I used to become nervous in front of her. I was just waiting for the last few days of classes only to find out later that she would not attend it. The semester has just finished and now I am left with none of her contacts other than her university email id. I am planning to ask her out using her university email. Is that a bad idea? I would probably never see her again if she doesn’t reply as her major is completely different from mine. So I feel, I have nothing to lose by trying. My draft email looks like this:


Hope you are doing well. I am from the BBBB class. I wanted to keep in touch with you and was wondering if you would be interested in grabbing a drink together sometime.




Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  1. You could try rephrasing your email to something like:

    Hi AAAA,

    I hope this email finds you well. I really enjoyed getting to know you in our BBBB class, and I was wondering if you’d be interested in going out for a drink with me sometime.

    I know we only have each other’s university email addresses, so I figured this would be the best way to get in touch.

    I understand if you’re not interested, but I just wanted to ask and see if you might be open to it.


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