Okey I this may sound weird or something but I just cant respone compliments. It makes me slightly uncomfortable and I dont know what to do with it. Whenever someone says “thank you” or compliments my work or some of my qualifications I just say “yes” awkardly or just make some humming noises. It just feels wrong to recive compliments and I dont know why? How you people manage that?

  1. Life is better when you learn to accept things gracefully. When someone compliments you (assuming you deserve the compliment), then look them in their eyes, smile and say ‘thank you’. Then change the subject.

    Other possible responses are: ‘it’s my pleasure’, ‘it was nothing, really’, ‘I enjoyed doing it’, or ‘thank you for giving me the opportunity to xyz’.

    Also: take this as your cue to learn how to compliment others more often. Firstly, you’ll make the world a better place, and secondly, you’ll see how others accept compliments (or not) and can learn from them.

  2. Same. I’ve never figured out how are compliments supposed to be good things.

    Generally i just say thanks or mumble mhm and move on.

  3. I’m lucky, while I feel weirded out and often really uneasy with compliments, I have enough retail experience, etc. to have learned how to say something like “well, thank you!”, “I appreciate you saying that” or a quick laugh and try to move onto a different topic of conversation, even if my brain is throwing out error messages at me. For me the key is skipping right past that as fast as possible with enough autopilot congeniality to grease the wheels.

  4. Usually I point out to them when it comes from someone whose opinion actually means something to me that I am flattered and that their opinion is something I truly value.

    Other than that I usually politely thank them for the kind words but don’t address it any further.

  5. I spent fifty years entertaining people on stages and on the radio, so I am no stranger to having received compliments for a job well done. I say “thank you.” If someone thanks me, I say “you’re welcome.” That’s all it requires.

  6. I find the best way to respond to a compliment is to say something like “That’s very kind of you to say” and then push on with the conversation.

  7. Depends on the compliment

    If it’s a woman complimenting me on my physical appearance then I get extremely happy about it and flattered because of my past bad self image issues. I’ll say thanks and smile because what else do I say but makes my day

    I constantly get complimented at my job by co workers and colleagues but my work etheic or my friendly personality. Again, I just thank them and take it in good grace…. I don’t let it give me an ego

    If its a friend complimenting me about how great of a friend I am and stuff like that.. then I thank them again and maybe give a compliment back.

    All men are different in their approach. Based on my past issues in my childhood and teen years of low self worth, low self image and paranoia issues. Compliments really end up making my day. But I’m not the type to fish for them… I just keep doing what I’m doing and if someone is kind enough to pay me a compliment then that’s nice.

  8. >How you people manage that?

    I say “Thank you” or some variation of that. That’s all you need to do.

  9. Well usually I go through an initial shock this deactivates most brain functions, followed by “uh…”, brain finishes rebooting leading to “thanks”, if they maintain eye contact long enough higher thought returns which finishes with “what do you want?”

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