Hey all, I am not sure if I missed the post but I couldn’t find this posted here and I wanted some advice.

I have a very sensitive gag reflex when it comes to smell, but only when there is something in my mouth. I gag on even my toothbrush if I smell something, for example.

My issue is this: I want to give my boyfriend more oral sex, but even normal clean penis smell just makes me gag. I know it is not him or his hygiene as this has happened my whole life. I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for something I could dab under my nose so that I smell that as opposed to penis. Preferably a peppermint or otherwise strong smell that also wouldn’t hinder kissing afterwards. I found out tonight that oils are…extremely concentrated. So if anyone has experience diluting and using those I would love to know.

I’m sorry if this is a weird question, but his pleasure is important to me! The gagging isn’t even severe but it makes me feel uncomfortable and unsexy.

  1. Well, crime scene investigators use menthol when they’re dealing with decomposing bodies.

    If it works for corpses, I bet it’ll work for cock.

  2. Peppermint oil. Or maybe a little bit of Vicks. Or pull a Monica Lewinsky and put an altoid in your mouth first then slowly kiss it on the head and go from there. That’s what I do….

  3. Tigerbalm or the blistex brand cream for lips which comes in a small blue container has a strong smell and you get in in any drugstore.

  4. I think you can just mix a bit of coconut oil or olive oil with the peppermint for dilution probably just trial and error for quantity.

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