Hey…I’m Neko, And I wanted to ask, what’s the best experience that you’ve ever had?

  1. Taking my son to Disneyland, Legoland, Sea World and the San Diego Zoo. SoCal Pass was awesome

  2. Best experience… hmmm. Not much. Nothing in life feels like it ever topped 5/10. Probable back when I was a firefighter was some of my best times. And even those were rare as I lived in small town.

  3. Watching my son being born, getting married to the woman I adore, taking a flight in a restored B17.

  4. Being able to afford a major purchase without the help of anyone. When I was younger I was stupid with my money so, I ended up needing help from family/friends. Once I got my finances in order(and, after I paid up whatever debts I had) I was able to purchase(well, place a very substantial amount down on) my truck. Now that the truck is paid off…it feels 20 times better knowing it’s officially mine.

  5. Finding a song at random on Spotify and genuinely putting it on repeat until I can learn most of the lyrics!

  6. During the Recession, I was about to be homeless. It was close, and none of it was really my fault. I just got really unlucky.

    So imagine how it felt to more-or-less pick a city 300 miles away at random with 1 long weekend left to find work and housing. Drove out there, resume in hand and no room for more bad luck or setbacks.

    By the end of that first day in a new town, I had *two* jobs *and* a shitty little duplex. It was a perfect storm of eucatastrophe, and I spent most of that drive back to my hometown in tears of exultant joy.

    Of course, the dark years were only just starting, but I knew I’d gotten stupidly lucky that day. A lot of people chose to trust me and that helped me avoid my life deteriorating even further.

  7. Snowmobiling the backcountry with my dad on a bluebird day right after a snowstorm. Snow was deep and fluffy. I don’t know if it’s the best experience I’ve ever had, but it’s certainly one I’ll never forget. I hope it do it with my future kid some day.

    We are going snowmobiling tomorrow and the snow looks pretty good, should be a fun weekend!

  8. Probably when I defeated the ‘Reaper’ and was officially recognized as a US Marine. When I was given my EGA is a memory I will never forget. Even a decade later, I still remember it.

  9. My life is terrible , manny times it sucks . There’re are no great experiences , just terrible ones . Probley the best expireren I ever had , being stoned whit a hooker and have great stoned sex together .

  10. Hello neko, neko, nee. This is the the pupilwx.

    Best experience was realising I can just not answer or say “I don’t know, I don’t care, please go away” to people.

  11. Tough question. Go to our summer home as a child. Even though extremely primitive, my parents started out poor. Some good friendships as a kid. My teenages were totally without any happiness. In my tweens I started university, something that gave me a lot of happiness, I lived a wild student life and studied hard at the same time. A lot of anxiety too of course. Work for 30+ ys have given me satisfaction but no real happiness and its not being happy I am paid to be. At home, raising a family have brought a mixed bag of emotions and certainly happiness is a part of that mix. The older kids the happier father…

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