We have been dating for a year now, things are crazy perfect…. So we are traveling for new years celebrations and I want to propose to her there.
What are the items list that I should check before proposing?

  1. if you feel it in you that she’s the one then trust ur gut, make sure you guys want the same things and that those feelings are mutual. Goodluck!

  2. >How can I know she is the one ?

    You don’t.

    A better question to ask is: “How well do I think marriage will go with *this* person?”

    If you get a good feeling about that, then, by all means propose.

  3. Have you spoken about marriage and engagement with her? Do you and her live together? Have you spoken about big life questions to see if you align on important standpoints? Such as number of children, finances, emotional support, your families, religion, housing, credit score, wedding, how you handle conflict, etc. These are all important topics you should talk about before proposing.

  4. Is she your best friend? Do you like her as a person, not just sexually desire her? Do your values align as to your future? Does she want to get married? Marriage makes sense when you’re already married in spirit.

  5. Go to astro-seek dot com and punch in both your dates of birth. Select Synastry and see the mutual connections. You will have clues that you will thank me afterwards.

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