This girl and I’ve been seeing each other for a few weeks now. Recently she shared a video of a gigolo show she wanted to go for.

My immediate reaction was of being taken aback. It was not in a way of saying “this is my kink and I want you to do this to me”.

And I told her it’s distressing for me to picture her instead of a random girl. And she said she completely understand.

Am I the odd one for having such a reaction?

  1. You should react… how you should react. If you’re not into it, (whatever a gigolo show is. Do you mean like a male review or something? Like Chippendale’s?), you’re not into it. It is what it is.

    (I feel too many folks this sub come her to get permission from us to be yourselves, which is a whole big can of worms we need to work through. Maybe with someone licensed. Our reactions are our reactions. We don’t need a sign off to have them. Especially from strangers on the internet we’ve never met, ykno?)

  2. It’s ok to not like this. I wouldn’t be thrilled about my s/o going somewhere specifically intending to lust after someone else. In fact, just knowing he Wanted to go, would be a huge turn off for me. To me, it’s not even about being insecure.. it just makes me cringe because it just seems gross and desperate.. ick.

  3. Nothing unnatural about not wanting some dude grinding on your girl.

    Simple instinctive mate guarding.

    You’re not odd.

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