Today, I gave way to a pedestrian waiting to cross the road of a junction I was turning into, as per the new highway code changes that came into play in Jan. The pedestrian stepped into the road when a car coming in the other direction did not give way forcing the pedestrian to stop in the middle of the road. The car behind that did give them way and they were able to cross safely, but it concerned me that I could have accidentally put this pedestrian into a dangerous situation. Should the other driver have given way to this pedestrian on account of them being already in the road? Or was they technically in the right? The junction rule change doesn’t dictate giving way at junctions you are leaving (as opposed to turning into) so I was wondering what other people make of this situation?

  1. I didn’t know that there was that rule, so I guess other drivers don’t either. Did the other driver have time to see the person and to stop? I know at pedestrian crossings both sides have to stop. But it’s obvious as there are big white lines in the road.

  2. As a pedestrian and a car stops to give way to me I usually wave them on, it’s cool and kind to try and give way, but like you say you can’t predict what the other cars are going to do.

  3. This is just an example of how chaotic these new rules are, to the point it’s verging on dangerous and I refuse to follow the new code in certain scenarios. To answer your question I haven’t looked at the Highway Code recently but it should be on there explicitly, otherwise the other direction doesn’t have to give way

  4. I recently yielded to two pedstrians about to cross a tee junction I was turning into. A car approaching me from the rear did not expect a stationary vehicle and swerved round me. So do I have to put my hazards on as well now?

  5. As a frequent pedestrian. I don’t expect anyone to follow the new rules. It’s safer to just assume every driver is a bell end until they actually stop.

    Too many years of people not stopping at, reversing over and parking on pedestrian crossings.

  6. The highway code is very clear about this.

    Rule 170
    > give way to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross a road into which or from which you are turning. If they have started to cross they have priority, so give way

  7. I don’t know if it was part of the change, but vehicles should give way to pedestrians if they’re turning into **or** out of a junction, so the other car should have stopped.

    The exact wording is:

    >give way to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross a road into which or from which you are turning. If they have started to cross they have priority, so give way ([rule 170](

  8. As I understand it, the pedestrian technically had right of way…but the new rules are a bit wooly

    But, if anyone goes out into the road (walking, cycling or driving) without looking and making sure there is a clear gap, you’re an idiot.

    Just because you gave way, the pedestrian still needed to make their own judgement as to it being safe to cross.

  9. Yes the other driver should have given way

    Since the law changed 90% of the drivers I’ve encountered in that situation have not bothered to give way, even when I’ve had my kids with me

  10. Ped is responsible for their own judgement of if others are following the rules. Just because you give way doesn’t mean someone else will or that the other direction is clear.

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