I feel like I subconsciously decide to delay replying even when I’m interested in talking if

A) I think one of us are not gonna be able to reply within a reasonable amount of time (i.e. At work/uni, napping, hanging out) so the conversation doesnt get interrupted for hours

B) when I sense we’re running out of things to talk about so I control the tempo of the conversation

C) and when the last text I received warrants a response that is thought-out as opposed to a no-brainer response like “Ohhh great! I do that too”

D) I just get fatigued waiting for their response, texting in general or just because of what’s going on in life in general, so I’ll be thinking about them but I just don’t wanna be texting atm

1 comment
  1. I think of texting as “reply when you can/feel like it”. Nothing too serious should be handled over text. So all are valid reasons but I wouldn’t overthink it really…

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