In your experience, what’s that thing you did that got women attracted to you the most?

  1. Truthfully, not creating a facade of someone that is not me and just being myself. There’s a certain attractiveness tied to the confidence one has in just being themselves. This is true for both men and women. For example: first time I took my wife out to dinner, the salad was served and she brought out small bottle of salad dressing from her purse. I died laughing. And she laughed too. “I know it’s crazy but I’m particular about dressing.” And she shared it with me. I liked that fact she did that and didn’t give a shit what I thought about it.

    Confidence is key and if that was never nurtured into you and/or it does not come naturally, you have to learn how to be comfortable and secure in your self. It gets asked all the time here and on other subs, by women, “Do guys really care about breast size.” I think most men would agree, a confident and secure woman with A cups is going to be more “overall” attractive than an unconfident and insecure woman with D cups.

  2. I can answer the reverse question.

    When I gained weight it negatively affected how women viewed me.

    They become less friendly, more dismissive and significantly fewer were interested in me.

    I’ve started getting back into shape and noticing women treating me a lot better now.

  3. By not trying to impress em, not playing any games, don’t front, just bein my fun weird self has always gotten more than plenty of good results… It’s overstated advice but it works.

    Three big events that had too many women comin at me for different reasons… getting out of prison, becoming a dad, n becoming a cook n opening my own business.

  4. Lose weight, get in shape, put on muscle.

    The difference in amount of attention and type of attention was insane.

  5. Stop trying, when they say be yourself, they mean the self that hangs out with friends, not the self that drools over every woman they see. Then where there’s smoke, there’s flame.

  6. I’ve always been a great listener. No second intentions attached. I’ve had quite a few ladies tell me they felt safe and comfortable opening up about their struggles with me. I’m sure this has helped me significantly in starting most of my romantic relationships so far, more than anything else.

  7. What I do.. I’ve only had women easily when I was in power positions, like a bartender or president of college association. They clearly enjoyed what I did with them too, but that was it. None cared for my own person outside what I did.

    Edit: wow really? yeah, in that bar girls throw themselves at bartenders in hopes to get free drinks or simply because we’re seen as high value.

  8. I became more secure and stopped trying to impress. I was just me, unmasked and unapologetic, no flaws hidden, and my success rate skyrocketed.

  9. I have no idea what I’m doing in my love life. I literally gave up on love and just starting doing stupid shit.
    Jump out of planes, check. Travel and be a history nerd, check. Accidentally meet a wonderful woman who adores me… check?

  10. Being in a committed relationship seems to really attract women.

    Joke/not a joke aside being confident and being comfortable in your skin goes a loooong way. When I was single I had a lot of dates with women I thought I had no chance with. I still tell my girlfriend I’m surprised she said yes to a date with me.

  11. Not to sound cynical af, but it was probably 100% my looks. I got the most attention when I was working out like it was my religion and rocked the pretty boy look.

  12. Honestly, probably just looks.

    I mean, I don’t really see myself as a good-looking guy, because I have textbook body dysmorphia. I see an ugly piece of shit when I look in the mirror. But women tend react well to my physical appearance, and describe it in very positive terms. “Handsome,” “hot” and “sexy” get used occasionally. “Intimidatingly gorgeous” was used once.

    So, on some level I *know* I’m a good-looking guy, but I don’t quite *believe* I’m a good looking guy. It’s weird, but it’s a thing.

    And other than that, I don’t think I have much going for me. I’m a nerdy, socially awkward dork who gets childlike excited about Linux and superhero movies.

  13. Get married, you’ll be 1000% more desirable. A lot of women (not all) but ALOT see something they “Can’t have” and they have to have it. Especially if you post fun stuff and happy stuff on social media. I never had so much 🐱 thrown at me until i married my wife.

  14. Got older. Seriously: being 24 while looking like 14 sucks. Being 34 looking like 24… not so much.

  15. Stopped giving a fuck.

    Like i give a fuck about meeting someone at some point. But I don’t give a fuck if it works out with any specific girl. Until I get feelings for them, of course.

  16. Getting married definitely tops the list, but that’s obvious. Second place definitely goes to becoming a local rock star. Rock stars get laid more than any other group of guys you can think of, including movie stars and athletes. Look it up if you don’t believe me.

    I loved music and sucked at sports as a kid, plus I was scrawny and ugly, but I was just as interested in girls as anyone else. So I learned how to play guitar, then learned how to sing, because I noticed that rock stars get girls. All you need to do is look at guys like Keith Richards, Mick Mars, Lemmy and Gene Simmons, and you’ll see that looks definitely don’t matter if you’re a rock musician. You don’t even have to be very talented, you just have to be willing to perform. Believe me, it doesn’t take long.

  17. Changed mindset. I’m the prize, girls are a dime a dozen.

    Now you notice more when a girl flirts with you because, why wouldn’t she? You’re the prize. And if you get turned down, who cares? The bar is full of women. So you lose any kind of nerves about engaging in conversation or shooting your shot.

    And it also means you can just… Have a conversation without it having to be flirty or an attempt at picking up. Because you’re the prize. It will naturally just happen as the conversation progresses.

    Looks, weight, physique, wardrobe, all play their part for sure, but shifting to an abundance mindset was the one thing that really changed the game. And the best part is, there’s no downside. I go home alone? Who cares, it’s them missing out, not me.

    Edit: the phrase “a dime a dozen” isn’t meant to devalue or dehumanise women, it just means you don’t have to latch on to the first person to engage in conversation or show interest. There’s a bar (and by extension a whole world) of women out there.

  18. Wearing nice clothes even when broke.. all of the gold-digger magically come out of the woodwork/want to have a 1 night stand with you.

    Also am athletically fit which helps.

    Guide: put on a nice looking watch, wear a collared shirt, wear slacks + belt, get a nice haircut, nice shoes, and walk with confidence around women… and you would be surprised by the women who wouldn’t have wanted you before will just magically want to hop on your c*ck.

  19. Became confident in myself.

    This became a lot easier when I realized that confidence isn’t thinking she will like me, but rather knowing I’m okay if she doesn’t. Makes you stop hunting for her approval, looking thirsty, and instead let’s you be you.

  20. The more kids I have to different women the more that are interested it’s beyond messed up but whatever

  21. Focusing on myself. Cultivating my own interests, talents, career, etc. Women are not a monolith, but generally, most of them want to be with a real person.

  22. Be myself hahah! Apparently people enjoy my long rants or bends about topics I’m interested in

  23. Confidence.

    For a long time I disliked myself and had stopped caring about many things (though still kept basic hygiene and would not look to hurt anyone else in any way). It gradually became apparent that outside my own head this was just seen as confidence and after a while things started getting better and I actually did begin having confidence in myself and what I was doing.

    Not quite ‘fake it till you make it’, but also not too different either.

  24. Slept with a female friend of mine who talked amongst the other women in my social circles about my juicy, thick, veiny, beautifully circmusied 8 inches cock, and that made them want to try it out.

  25. Not be overly available to them. Example…
    1. Texting back immediately
    2. Blowing up their text messages
    3. Dropping everything you’re doing to hang

    Listen to their problems and NOT give a suggestion. Then after, I ask them if they feel better after talking about it? Subconsciously, they feel closer to you and create a bond in their head because you listened.

    Take the lead with everything I can take the lead on.


    Kindness towards others.

    Out of the blue, I complement a physical feature I feel they may feel insecure about.

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