My Ex (29f) started talking with me (29m) again, while she is still in a relationship.
And I am not sure about any of this.

We had a a deep connection but I ended it because I had insecurities and felt I not good enough so instead of talking to her about it I ended it one sided.
and she was very upset with me, so we cut all connections between us. She was never perfect or straight with about her feelings, because it is not easy for her but we grew over this together and I do love her.

After a year of no contact she started to check my social media (Insta stories)
and wanted me to notice. So I’v contacted her and it took several attempts for her to open up to me.
We talked and she told me she is seeing someone for almost a year but she is not happy with her relationship and she does miss me but she is confused and having a lot of thoughts. I did tell her I love her and care for her. She said that she need time alone to think this through.
We ened up talking the entire week, almost non stop.
At first she was against me saying I love her but later she got softer.
Up to the point she said, that she is not feeling right that we chat so much while she is still in a relationship, as she is feeling like she is cheating on him.
But we still talked a lot, several hours a day.
When I asked her if we can meet, she declined as she doesn’t feel it would be right.
But later asked if I need some stuff I left at her place, so we could meet and see each other.
She never mentions her bf to me, and when she uploads photos on social media, she let me know she is with family or friends.
I don’t feel she is giving me a cold shoulder, and always replies to my messeges to her.
Yet the last time we talked, she said that I should stop telling her I love her
and she is not ready to talk about it just yet.
I told her that I do appriciate that we talk and I am very happy about it, she replied that she is as well.

I don’t know how things are going between her and her bf,
It’s been only a week since we started talking, and I am not expecting things to change quickly.
But I am not sure what should I think about it all.

Does it sounds that she is thinking about me and need time to end her relationship?
Or am I just getting my hopes high and thinking too much of it?

tl;dr My exGF talking with while still in a relationship, and I am not sure what to think about it.

  1. Tell her, ” You are in a relationship and I’m not sure about any of this.” Then move the fuck on respectfully. She is leading you on and borderline cheating on her now bf. Absolutely not worth it even if she’s single.

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