For me personally, it’s that my wife dies first and I grow old alone. I’m quite an anti social person who really struggle to make new friendships, but my wife is the social butterfly who brings people into our life. Being alone and having no one to tell your day to day stories to absolutely fucking terrifies me.

  1. Been living this for nearly ten years since boyfriend died you get used to being alone after a while.

  2. Losing one of my children. My mum passed when I was 28 and it broke me, but the thought of it being the other way round and losing one of my girls while I’m still here absolutely terrifies me, I can’t imagine how I’d even begin to cope.

  3. Unless your wife is a fair bit older than you I wouldn’t worry about it as women tend to live longer than men

  4. My dad suffers from dementia, I don’t wanna go out forgetting everyone I’ve ever known and loved

  5. As I have got older a lot of my fears have dissipated to an extent and my wife is pretty much responsible for a lot of that. Naturally then my remaining fear is facing life without her.

    We have been together for over 35 years and I was a bit of a disaster waiting to happen when we met. She bought out the best in me and helped me become a more rounded saner person. I do sometimes fear going back to being that person if she is taken away from me.

  6. As silly as it sounds, death. The thought of not know what happens after and the fact that you don’t know when it will happen plus the fact that I have a lot I want to achieve it’s something I need to shake.

  7. Dementia, 100%. I have an incredibly poor memory already (probably something like SDAM), but I’d rather be dead straight up than lose function in that way.

    Death doesn’t really concern me. I didn’t really think I’d manage to hit 30, but I’m a lot more together than I was, so happy to keep going for now.

    I am hopeful assisted suicide will be legal in time.

  8. Losing my children and/or husband.

    Another one is slowly succumbing to Alzheimer’s and ending up in a care home. Terrifies me.

  9. I was diagnosed and treated for a malignant sarcoma two years ago. I was quite introverted and quiet and sometimes grumpy and withdrawn. The shock of my diagnosis changed all that and I stopped caring what other people thought about me. I wear what I want, say what I like, talk to everybody that is of good heart. I no longer have a great fear. (It was to die early) I just let go, smile, surrender and don’t care. It works for me.

  10. For me, my biggest fear is waking up and I have no Yorkshire tea, no milk and no sugar. To me that would be the end.

    I shuddered at thought of it.

    *sips tea

  11. That I’ll never meet anyone and die alone…which is looking more and more likely each day 😬

  12. Losing all my money? Or shitting myself in public? Or the tabloid press mistakenly outing me as a paedo? Or Alzheimer’s? Or all of those things, plus I’m drowning?

  13. Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. It kills who you are and everything you’ve been while you’re living. It steals your very self, and you become a husk of what you once were. It is also very cruel to those who love you as they witness your demise… It’s evil.

  14. I read a story years ago about a guy who (through an accident) managed to bifurcate his penis, I can’t imagine being in a situation where that could happen to me but it’s happened atleast once and will happen again.

  15. Pretty much this. We’ve been married 37 years. (67/65) and have a no mortgage house, decent pensions and are in good health. But for how long? Are we going to spend our seventies in poor health or one caring for the other or one of us coping alone? Our adult daughters can’t / won’t be able to care for us. We plough on, enjoying these golden years but it’s there at the back of your mind.

  16. That I will never make any fellow mum/dad friends (not for want of constantly trying). I’ve got great friends from childhood and work, but being a newish mum in a new place and trying to make friends with other parents via – groups, play centres, apps and school runs has proven to be impossible. This is after 5 years. I’ve literally given up.

  17. I feel pretty much the same – which is why I hope she dies first, I’d rather go through it than condemn her to living alone after 40 years together.

  18. Honestly living until I’m even 50 is terrifying to me. I want to die in my sleep after I’ve had a shower and I’m found early so I don’t stink too bad.

  19. Fear itself.

    A lot of people in this country seem to be driven by it and live miserable and unfulfilled lives because of it… Fear of other people, losing out, being looked down on, not getting that dream job and “wasting” your life, yada yada.

    There was a good book recommended to me that basically said that fear in most cases is irrational as we tend to fear things we can’t control. Bad things happen and often whatever we do, we can’t avoid it. Most things are out of our complete control. Fear distracts us from the things that we can control to be better prepared when bad things do happen, which often they don’t in the ways we try and predict.

  20. Just this coming year!

    Turning 30 in 6 months, I recently left/forced out of my job after 7 years, staying in my mates spare room as I was meant to move into a flat provided by said job. Got a tiny bit of buffer moneywise but I’m getting through it even budgeting heavily.

    Life’s been a bit of a hassle in 2022. Big life decisions are going to have to be made this year.

  21. My biggest fear is one I am in right now.

    Its the fear I’d be a cabbage for life. The brain is working but body is not. Like you’re trapped.

    And guess what? 8 weeks ago I gave birth. I had complications and for 8 weeks now I have been in sheer pain and unable to walk. 23 hours a day in bed. I need help walking to the bathroom, showering, drying my hair etc.

    So yeah.. if this happens when I age… when I’m old and I ever become a vegetable.. I would rather take what dignity I have left and die.

    All my assets are going to my only child regardless.

  22. Losing my child, followed closely by losing my wife. Followed by losing my sister.

    For wife and sister, of course when we’re in our 80s, it won’t be but for my child I can’t ever imagine it not being my biggest fear.

  23. Being infertle. Not trying yet and probably wont for another 5 – 10 years as Im not ready.
    But trying and finding out you cant… how do you live with that. Especially as a woman, I feel like there alot of pressure on you to be able to.
    And the pain you could cause a long term partner by also putting that on them. Would they just leave?

  24. I genuinely try not to have one. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow has.not happened. Live right now. There is only this moment and nothing else.

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