\*\*TL;DR; :Hello reddit, my brother and I have conflicts over our dog. He doesn’t want him in the house. And I don’t know what to do, he is always angry when I try to discuss things with him.

He almost always says, “Get the \*\*\*\* out with this dog, or you will be next! It’s not healthy to have him here, he can stay outside.” The reason why I want him in the house it’s because I think it’s not good for him, it’s better for him to be with me. He’s still small.

Also we keep the 3 cats, it’s only the dog he doesn’t want. That’s not double standards? And also he brings sometimes his friends and smoke and make a mess. How is that healthy?

He’s so passive aggressive sometimes and irritating at times. I am an introvert, he’s not. I don’t know what he is, but he’s stupid. I don’t agree with his type of behavior, seems uneducated.

What type of psychology does he have? Could he be a narcissist? Why is he so inflexible? Is he frustrated with his life, that’s why he is so angry? I think he didn’t do anything in his life.

There’s difficult to know, could be many different causes and/or reasons. They say try to focus on understanding.\*\*

  1. how did the dog end up in the picture? because it sounds like he doesn’t like having a dog.

    stop asking random redditors to diagnose him with mental problems.

  2. It doesn’t matter why he is like this. All that matters is he is not okay with you having a puppy in the house. Obviously that is not healthy for the puppy. I’d suggest moving to somewhere more dog friendly. And then see if you still want to be close with your brother. Maybe you aren’t compatible to live together as adults but get on fine otherwise. Or maybe he’s a jerk and you don’t want to see him very much.

  3. Lol, what type of psychology?

    He doesn’t like dogs. That type of psychology. WTF type do you have?

  4. Based on the anger expressed in your post, I would also start thinking about the safety of your dog? Make sure you have a plan should this escalate beyond mere words? Good luck

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