What are some basic etiquettes when drinking with (all male) friends?

  1. I can only speak for heterosexual men. But the rule is. No homo stuff. 😬. No crying.

    Also. With my friends, anyway, only brown liquor or beer. Everything else is weak.

  2. I’m not a heavy drinker.

    For me I’m automatically on the lookout for a friend who drinks too much. I don’t tell him to stop drinking or shit like that, we gather together to get wasted after all. Just ready to lead him to the bathroom and cool off a little or maybe take him home.

    This don’t diminish my enjoyment a bit and it makes me drink less which I think is always good.

  3. If you didn’t pay for the last round, offer to pay for the next.

    Having a good time shouldn’t impact the groups around you.

    Drinking with friends is fun, but make sure everyone has a safe way home.

  4. Don’t drink to much or too quick.
    Don’t buy drinks that cost vastly more than everyone else. (15yr malt whisky or vintage wine)
    Don’t encourage your mates to drink more. If they say they’ve had enough or they want halves respect that.
    Share a taxi home

  5. If you’re part of a round, respect the round: don’t have a more expensive drink than anyone else, don’t shirk when it’s your turn to buy a round.

    Also, if your preferred drink is more expensive or complicated, don’t be afraid to drink separately to the rounds. I always have a shot and a mixed chaser every round which makes my drinks nearly twice as expensive, I rarely participate in rounds for this reason.

    Keep your rowdy mates under control. If they’re getting obnoxious and impacting other groups, either get them to pull their head in or put them in a taxi.

    Be polite to all staff, even if they’ve cut you off or kicked you out. Take the L, say thanks for the night and move on.

    Respect when someone says no. If they’ve had enough, don’t want to participate in a round of shots, are taking their time with a beer… let people go at their own pace. This “drink up, drink now, drink hard” nonsense is bullshit and toxic.

    Respect people’s drink choices. If one of the guys wants some purple fruit flavoured cocktail with an umbrella, don’t act like you’re more manly for having a whiskey or beer. Let people enjoy things.

    Shut down antisocial behaviour. If one of the guys starts acting sexist, creepy, racist, whatever, don’t be the friendgroup that laughs along or just ignores/tolerates it. Having a few drinks is not an excuse to start being an asshole.

  6. Get your round in, keep the cost of your drink in proportion with everyone else’s, mind your tongue and don’t get so drunk you become the liability in the group.

  7. Your limit is not how much you can drink, your limit is where you don’t turn into an aggressive asshole.

  8. No fucking with people that pass out. Keep your dick off their face, no sharpies and no disturbing pics.

  9. Don’t have the most expensive drink if your not the one buying.

    If your friend is going for a girl leave the girl to him. Be a good wingman

  10. Pick up a round every once and then. Don’t make a thing about it like, oh lookit me, I’m picking up a round I’m so generous, just kinda keep an eye out and when another round is needed, just quietly take care of it.

    Do NOT fucking trample punchlines. Jesus Christ. If you’ve heard the joke or story before just roll with it and laugh when everyone else does.

    Just relax and try to be in the moment. Don’t worry about trying to “seem” any sort of way. Smart, or funny, or tough, or whatever. Part of the whole point of having a few pints with the lads is to let go of all that shit, and for just a few hours, pretend the world is a grand place of which you are all kings.

    Drink what you like, within reason, and don’t give anyone shit for what they like to drink. If you want to drink frufy girly drinks, by all means fucking do so. Not everyone likes peat bog scotch, nail polish remover bourbon, bitter ales and so on. Like some other guy said though, if your drinks are complicated and expensive, maybe order them separately so you can do your own thing without sticking whoever is picking up a round with the cost. Careful though, you don’t want to be seen as highfalutin, better than, too good to drink with the lads.

  11. When drinking with friends, it’s important to remember to respect everyone’s personal limits and not pressure anyone to drink more than they’re comfortable with. It’s never okay to drink and drive, so make sure to arrange for a designated driver or use a ride-sharing service to get home safely. Pacing yourself and not drinking too much can help prevent accidents and ensure that everyone has a good time. It’s also common for people to take turns buying rounds of drinks, so if it’s your turn, be gracious and offer to pay for the group’s drinks. Lastly, be mindful of your friends and the people around you by avoiding getting too loud or rowdy, and being considerate of those who may not be comfortable with heavy drinking. By following these basic etiquette guidelines, you can help ensure that everyone has a good time and stays safe while drinking with friends. So, always remember to drink responsibly and have fun!

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