My partner told me about this, and I seem to have a vague memory of this happening when I was younger but I am wanting to know how common it happened?

In more detail: A Santa would be set up on a chair on a flatbed trailer with lights and music playing, often collecting money for charity. The car or van pulling would go street to street around the town and kids and parents would go out and donate cash.

  1. Every year in Dunstable,Leighton Buzzard and surrounding villages , usually the rotary club that puts them on

  2. Yeah, usually a rotary club thing. Santa couldn’t get to us this year because he had a car accident in the ice last week.

  3. Our local Santa was here last week. The flat bed trailer was decorated to look like a roof & Santa was sticking out of the top of the chimney. Looked pretty cool.

    I’ve not moved house a lot in my life, but we’ve had a Santa come round every area I’ve lived in, so I assumed it was the same everywhere, lol.

  4. I’d never heard of them until this year. I was amazed. I didn’t know Rudolph was a Volkswagen van.

  5. The Young Farmers go round the local villages and little hamlets around here most years with Santa on a big trailer behind one of their tractors. Some years it’s a full on lights and music extravaganza, others it’s a bit quieter. I remember the same thing back when I was a kid in the 1970’s so it’s nice that it still happens now.

  6. That used to happen but not for years now; he’d ring a bell and call “Bring out your elves” and folks would come out of their homes and throw their old unwanted or faulty elves on the back of the sleigh for recycling.

  7. We used to have a bloke called Mr Pook come around the school dressed as Santa handing stuff out.

    “Mr Poop” gags for the rest of the afternoon

    In fact, as I remember, a bloke used to come around the village dressed as Santa on Christmas Eve as well if your parents dropped an addressed gift into a box at the village hall

  8. In my home town there are two per year. Pretty sure it has been that way for over 30 years. One is Round Table and the other is the Fire Station.

  9. Santa was out today in my town, on a sleigh/trailer being pushed by guys dressed as reindeer and elves. The Rotart Club organise it every Christmas.

  10. Usually Santa parks his sleigh outside a supermarket for a day. It avoids having to comply with Construction and Use Regulations for the sleigh bells on the highway.

  11. Yeah the rotary club used to do it when I was a kid, assume they still do but I mentioned it to some people at work the other week and they acted like I’d lost the plot

  12. They’ve been round to us last week. Here it’s a joint venture between Rotary and Round Table. They raise a lot of money for local causes by shaking buckets as they go.

    I don’t remember it when I was little, but instead we had the Salvation Army band. That was very festive and exciting.

  13. Not a thing when/where I grew up.

    Wife and I moved for work, so a smallish village in North Lanarkshire and the local Rotarians come round with a float/costumes/music and distribute selection boxes to the kids.

  14. Growing up we used to have a ‘Carol Bus’ which came round. It was an old double decker painted up and covered in Christmas lights accompanied by Santa and his elves collecting for charity. It always felt like Christmas was properly coming when you heard the scratchy, distorted Christmas Carols blasting out and saw the flashing coloured lights approaching from the distance. Sadly they stopped doing it about twenty years ago.

    More recently we’ve had Santa on the back of a flatbed, run by the local Round Table. Not quite the same but my children love it.

  15. They do this where I used to live. I don’t recall if they gathered money for charity but it was also a thing for the kids to go out and see.

  16. Where I live, it’s a minibus… organised by the local community transport charity.

    Next town along the rotary club have a more traditional santa on a trailer.

  17. I was going to say Rotary Club/Lions Club as well. Ours was in a trailer done up to look like a sleigh and was pretty good. Not seen one for years, though

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