I’ve been with my man 5 years. He always cums and then leaves me unsatisfied. So my bday coming up. Would it be a Dick move it I asked him to just satisfy me and nothing gets done to him 😂 I am so sexually frustrated. I dont feel like it’s bad because it’s my bday.

  1. Five years? Why are you with someone who doesn’t seem to care about your sexual satisfaction?

    Your birthday present should be to yourself by dumping him.

  2. I think it would be fun, but I also think mutual pleasure is important about sex. So, there seems to be a lot of tension between you guys. Maybe talk about him in general?

  3. How about for your bday you give yourself the best gift ever and find a boyfriend who cares about your pleasure as much as his own (maybe more) so you dont need to worry about being a dick and asking for what you absolutely deserve?

    Just an idea – because the way I see it the only person you’re being a dick to is yourself by sticking around.

  4. It seems like you would be better opening up communication about getting more reciprocity in general. If you think he would satisfy you on your birthday if you asked, why not ask him to do it everytime. Not a bad idea to make sure you get off first, then pleasure him. Remember you want to encourage him to do it more. So having him orgasm AFTER you orgasm will mean he will want to do it.

  5. Seems like a reasonable request on your birthday but there are deeper issues here. What are you feeling unsatisfied about – is he giving you oral? Are you having any orgasms? Is he putting any sort of effort in that focuses on your pleasure?

  6. To be honest I think you should tell him that for one night he is going to be your personal dildo, he doesn’t talk, he doesn’t move, he doesn’t cum until you say so. And do whatever you want, however you want, you are going to be the one telling him what to do in case that is what you want, you know yourself, you know what is going to make you legs shake so do it. I am pretty sure he will like it, specially if you finally orgasm he will feel like he has de golden dick.

  7. Why have you spent 5 years with someone who doesn’t prioritize your pleasure and leaves you sexually unsatisfied? I’m always amazed at the choices people make for the one life they get to live. You need to believe you deserve better.

  8. The real dick move is when someone leaves you unsatisfied for so long that you have to ask for it as a birthday present.

  9. It sounds like you should give yourself an even better birthday gift, by breaking up with his selfish ass and then going and finding a good pleasure giving orgasm giving man instead. Give your vagina the gift of a man who cares about your orgasm.

  10. He would totally cum before me. 😂 he can hold out for about 15 minutes but after that probably not. It’s like right before I cum I guess I get tight and he cums! Arg lol

  11. You could pack his bags on birthday and that would not be a dick move. Better yet, make him do it, it’s your birthday after all.

  12. Yeah I know it sucks when you get into a pickle with someone and they are treating you bad. I’ve brought this problem up 2 years into the relationship. He still doesn’t try to do anything to me after sex. I’m going to try and cut him off from it until he can make me cum.

  13. Hell No! I make sure my wife has cum a few times before I finish. Open commutation would be the best thing. If he says no than tell him no sex for you haha

  14. Five years???? And leaves you unsatisfied???? **FOR FIVE YEARS???**

    Please…please work on your communication. You need to let him know that you need to get off as well. I’d suggest maybe telling him what you like, how to do it, *words of encouragement*. Sex is NOT a one way relationship.

    If he doesn’t reciprocate…I mean…that’s just selfish. Can’t really help that. But, come on…five years? TELL YOUR MAN YOU NEED TO CUM.

    *****FIVE YEARS*****

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