So I don’t know if I’m autistic or traumatized or just plain awkward but I get anxious a lot and when I’m like that, I don’t talk much if at all. I started a new job like two-ish months ago and apparently “everyone” has noticed that, well, I’m weird. They really like me and they’re all really nice but there’s like an elephant in the room, and because of that I connected with someone like me in another kitchen (we’re all working in a row of kitchens) and she’s really open about her problems so I just kinda stick to her and my own station and hope to god I stay out of problems.

By the way, because of my past I have issues putting thoughts together properly and focusing in general so I’m sorry if this is really disorganized or incoherent.

So this girl, G, told me that one of our executive chefs, who we all adore because he has the patience of a saint (seriously the amount of shit G and I get into together that he’s witnessed and had to intervene in…oy poor bastard), had noticed that I’m really quiet and shy, unless of course I’m with G then it’s like letting a couple of elderly cats into a field of catnip plants.

Anyway so a week before that conversation, G had gotten me on a sugar high and I was racing around the place giving my coworkers Skittles, and this included the executive. he asked me some questions like if I preferred starburst or skittles and we agreed starburst was better usually and there’s not enough orange flavored ones.

I jokingly asked him why the hard questions and he answered he just wanted to get to know me as a person. So Saturday, I ended up getting some starbursts from my parents but I wasn’t in the mood for them so I brought them to work the next day and shared them with a few people, then remembered the Executive likes orange starbursts so I asked if he was busy and handed him one, which made him grin.

Later that night before he went home, I kind of snuck up behind him and when he looked at me I got really startled so I just quietly dropped a bunch of starbursts into his hand and speed walked away as he was saying how sweet I was. I just kinda laughed, mumbled goodnight and booked it to my car.

The past couple of days he had off and today I was really anxious again for some reason and had a really hard time talking. He looked like he was having a bad day, but then again as long as I’ve known him he’s always seemed vaguely uncomfortable and just trying to tolerate his environment too, but I didn’t want to bother him even when he wasn’t busy so I waited until he left to change out of uniform.

I went to a table I figured he’d have to walk by to leave, and left some orange starbursts arranged to make a smiley face, and ran before he came back.

So with all that explained, I’m worried I’m being weird. I’ve never been good at connecting with people but he’s been so kind I just wanted to let him know I appreciate him without trying to force awkward words. But after I left I started thinking I might be being inappropriate even if it’s harmless. if he even welcomes it idk because again I don’t freaking talk ever and have no way of knowing.

I want to talk to him tomorrow and ask if I should not give him starbursts but that seems like a weird conversation. maybe something like “hey…i don’t mean to be weird but you’ve been really nice and I just wanted to show my appreciation, but I understand I might be going about it the wrong way and I’ll stop.”

Is this good? what do I do? the smiley face shape was also meant to be like a closure to my antics but that’s actually really unclear so…please god someone help me im dying of being myself. really wish I wasnt so awkward bud.

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