How long before an event do you do your hair and make-up?

  1. I think it’s chill to be ready 20 minutes before you go. You can fix things if you’re not completely feeling it and you have time to think about everything you wanted to take with you.

  2. I take 2-3 hours to get ready, so I usually start about 4 hours before I have to leave. I like having extra time just in case something goes wrong or I want to change something I’m not happy with.

  3. I start an hour before I have to leave with the intent to have some time to chill before I go. But I don’t do nearly as much as I used to. Add 45-1hour if I have to shower and blowdry.

    When I used to curl my hair, I’d start significantly earlier.

  4. Usually about 30 minutes ahead so I’m not rushed, I can relax and make sure everything is ready.

  5. For events like weddings, company parties, black tie events, I’m ready 2 hours before. That way I can touch up right before leaving and never feel rushed or sweat.
    For like a kids’ birthday party, lunch, casual outing, 10 minutes maybe

  6. When I’m 5 minutes late leaving the house is usually when I start, I like the look to be super fresh.

    Sometimes backfires though if I get brave with the look and then need to fix it.

  7. I’m usually ready about 30 minutes early. I start the prep routine hours before! I like to do a hair mask for a few hours and exfoliate as well as do 2 face masks for 30 minutes each.

  8. Make up is 10min ( basic makeup )to an hour ( eye liner and or eye shadow ) and hair is 10sec ( brushing it ) to 1h30 ( curling it ). So I’ll start something like 2 hours before leaving or less.

  9. Depends what I’m doing. Sometimes I wet-style my hair, so technically I start doing my hair the night before the event. Otherwise, I’d give myself probably 2-3 hours before, because I don’t want to rush, or be running out the door trying to put on mascara. I wanna have time to do everything, plus time to fuck it up and fix it if necessary.

  10. Depends on the event, but I try to be fully ready about 30 minutes before I need to leave. Which means getting dressed and doing my hair about 40 minutes before. Or an hour if I need to shower.

  11. Depends on the event but for most events that require me to do my hair and makeup I shower the night before. I air dry my hair as it poofs up when I blow-dry it. I straighten my hair the next day which takes anywhere from 10-30minutes. I then will do my makeup which only takes about 30minutes nowadays. I start getting ready for events (day of) 2hrs beforehand or earlier.

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