Why does life become so much clearer and you become happier when you make a really short haircut?

  1. Because my neck doesn’t hurt anymore. I had hair down to my butt and then shaved my head. I didn’t realize that hair weighed so much before!

  2. For me after cutting my hair my head feels less heavy and also I get to sleep better (cause as the hair strands are shorter it is less of a hassle than the long hair strands disturbing the sleep)

    this applies in life situations too…(if anyone reading this got what I meant)

  3. For me, I didn’t have anything to hide behind anymore. I realized that I needed to just be unapologetically me. Short hair, particularly a shaved pixie like I’ve had for the past few years, is judged pretty harshly by a lot of people. I knew that, when I took the plunge, I had to own it. And it forced me to come out of my shell and figure out what mattered to me. I was happier because I focused on the things I wanted, not what society told me. I’m now growing out that shaved pixie a bit because it’s time for a change, but I’m so glad I made the choice to have one.

  4. Does it? I’ve always spent the first few weeks crying in regret.

    In general though, I just think making a drastic change to your appearance can change how you’re perceived and how you feel about yourself, and make things feel new and exciting again. I’ve definitely felt like that when I’ve made a huge change to my hair colour.

  5. I shaved my head a few summers ago, and waking up every morning while not having to worry about my hair was such a relief.

  6. I have that feeling for about a week and then I always regret it. It’s long now and it’s staying that way.

  7. Because you’ve made a drastic change and therefore feel ‘refreshed’ in your mind. Some people feel the same way after getting a tattoo or a piercing too.

    It’s not a universal feeling at all and in reality has little to do with the hair itself.

  8. I question this theory because I don’t know anyone personally who has chopped all their hair off and been instantly happier because of it, just Redditor’s who make comments that it’s so. Personally I don’t have the guts to test the theory on myself… yet. But I do consider it on those bad hair days!

  9. Your hair “grows” with you alongside whatever you’re going through. So cutting a lot of it off might feel like a fresh start in a new direction to grow.

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