Finally finishing school and would love to pick up some hobbies!

  1. There are a lot of things, but I think there are a lot of hobbies that you don’t have to necessarily be in your early thirties to get into. As the generations get older, things like video games become more common for older folk because that’s how people grew up.

    One of the things that I started to enjoy when I got past my twenties is going and shooting. I’m not a violent person and I don’t want to own a gun but that’s a personal choice and I respect anyone who wants to own a firearm and is safe with it. However I enjoy going to an indoor air conditioned shooting range and going and shooting at least once a month. I rent pistols and rifles and shotguns, and I have a good time and it helps get my aggression out.

    One of the things I also enjoy is I go and volunteer at humane societies. Living in Phoenix there’s a couple that I routinely frequent where I could just go and hang out with dogs.

    It really depends on you from a personality perspective and what you enjoy. Are you artistic? Are you into music? Do you like to build things? There’s no such thing as a bad hobby if you enjoy it as long as it’s legal ethical and moral.Don’t let what other people think about your hobbies define what you enjoy. For example maybe you’re into stamp collecting or coin collecting and someone might look at that and think wow that’s stupid, but as long as you enjoy it they can keep their comments to themselves because as long as you enjoy what you do that’s all that really matters.

  2. Any sort of craft or skill related hobby that has a functional purpose. Leatherwork, blacksmithing (if you have the space and funds), fishing/hunting, marksmanship/archery, carpentry/woodworking, collecting X(expensive, unless you know you’re stuff), tailoring/upholstery, etc. I would recommend even recommending finding two or three that you like and that can go together. I recently picked up leather which is excellent for my other hobbies of knife collecting (sheaths) and bullwhip making and cracking (leather whips)

  3. Disc golf. Low effort and low cost to get started. You get to be outdoors and away from everything else for a couple of hours.
    Usually a great community at the local courses. I started in my late 20s and I’ve only come to love it more over the years 🙂

  4. Bowling…. We’ll it’s really actually drinking, but you will occasionally roll a ball while drinking with your bois.

  5. Golf is a good one. You will both love it and hate it and will constantly chase a better score. Plus it’s an excuse to be outside for 4 hours and you can play easily with friends.

  6. All my hobbies would work for 30 year olds:


    Hobby projects (3D printing, electronics)


    Casual sports (ultimate, basketball pickup games)

    Shooting guns

  7. Cycling is a great one. Especially trail riding.

    Some kind of collecting is always great if you need something lower impact

    Cooking is always interesting too.

    Personally, I took up existential crises and ten years on I’ve gotten really good at it.

  8. 37 here and in the past few years I picked up kayaking and MTB. I still suck at both but I have lots of fun!

  9. Any kind of martial arts or boxing. Great for fitness, self defence, stress relief and just an all round fun

    Recommend a practical one like Muay Thai or something similar.

  10. You could google “hobbies for men” and get a better list. But if you’re asking this question it might mean you don’t know yourself well enough to understand what you like and don’t like. Ask yourself som basic questions…. do you want to make things or collect things? Would you rather work with your hands outdoors or inside? Knowing what you’d like and not like helps narrow down interests. I wanted to make things. Outdoors. Now I make knives. Cheap, fairly easy procedure, millions of guys already make them sharper, prettier and better but my friends love them.

  11. Fly fishing and hockey, those are mine and I’ll be doing them until I can’t. Awesome life long hobbies.

  12. Pick one or two things and get good at them. Bare bow archery is my favorite. You way want to find something more co-ed though, throwing pottery maybe?

  13. I like hobbies that take a long time to master… like decades.

    I love the process of chipping away and getting better a little bit every day. It gives you something to obsess over and sink your teeth into. My two suggestions are jiu jitsu and hunting.

    Jiu jitsu is never ending, and it’s always evolving bc of competition…people are always innovating it. There’s also an aspect of your game you can work on, always a slick entry to a position, a sneaky submission, a way to turn a bad position into an attack. Hitting new moves in live rolls is so satisfying. Not to mention is great exercise and invaluable for protecting yourself….a little bit goes a long way, especially against someone who isn’t trained.

    And there is so much to learn hunting. Animal behavior, surviving in the woods, principles of camouflage, long range shooting, archery, etc. It also great exercise. Hiking just to hike is great, but this gives your hike a greater sense of purpose and a little more “adventure”

  14. 3D printing is a great hobby with loads of different levels. You can get a really cheap printer and make your own upgrades etc or just get a good printer and print away. Start big projects like props from your favourite franchises or just print the most ridiculous and fun stuff.

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