Saw this tend on tiktok where women/girls asked their partner, typically a boyfriend or husband, when they thought they looked the most beautiful, usually when it seemed like they weren’t aware they were being recorded. The answers were all cute – “when you’re sleeping, cause you just look so peaceful”, “when you get all giddy about something”, etc. Decided to ask my boyfriend of two years the same question, expecting something similar, and y’know what I got?

“When you’re choking on my c\*\*k.”

I have never been so humbled in my life. I wasn’t angry or anything but he immediately tried to backtrack and say that wasn’t it but, when I asked what it was, then, he just gave me this sheepish smile. Called him out on his bullshit and told him about the trend, which he said was probably just most of those guys saving face. Can’t exactly disagree with him there but I was just wondering about other men’s takes on this.

\*\*Just to clarify so he doesn’t sound like a complete dickhead, this isn’t like one of the only times he’s called me beautiful or anything like that. He actually tells me I’m beautiful or gorgeous most of the days we’re together. I guess I was just more jarred by the abruptness of it.

  1. Damn that’s a lot to unpack there so I’m just gonna answer your original question.

    My girlfriend looks the most beautiful when she’s concentrating on something. She just gets this adorable look on her face and she stands/sits real still and she’s just so beautiful. I love that woman

  2. When she gets excited about something. She can’t contain it. Literally jumping up in down in some cases. Sort of that pure childlike joy coming over her. I’ve always found that so cute. And she’s horrible with surprises. She gave me my Christmas gift 4 days ago because she couldn’t wait to give it to me. She was just too excited. I think seeing her excitement is more of a gift than the actual present.

  3. When she’s teaching our children something. Because I can see that interaction rippling through time, with our kids teaching their kids, and on and on.

  4. When she’s just doing her thing and not noticing me looking at her.

    We’re married and both work from home a few days a week so I steal a lot of glances at her through the day. So damn beautiful.

  5. Men (in general, not everyone) see sexual experiences the same way women (again, in general) see romantic moments, it’s when we feel the biggest connection to our partners.

    Just as when you feel happy when he takes you on a date to a fancy restaurant, or a walk on the beach, or to a romantic movie, he feels that happiness, that connection, in bed.

    So yeah, he was most likely being more honest than the men on those trends. I myself find my gf the most attractive/beautiful when i look up at her while she’s pulling my hair to keep me in place while I eat her out

  6. Tik tok isn’t reality, Ignoring the fact that tons of it is scripted, it’s not like you are going to see the boring one’s because those don’t gain traction, for every spontaneous tik-tok challenge worth watching there is 10,000 where the person is just like “uh…. why are you filming me?”

    So your bf made a crude joke, then didn’t have an answer to a random question, now your digging online for points of comparison by asking thousands of strangers online to answer the same qustion, which is just going to result in the same thing, your just going to get answer that people feel are worth typing out.

    just go talk to you bf.

    If you want to tell him that he should have an answer to that question then ask that but he nice about it.

  7. I’d have replied “when my cock is in your ass”.

    Your BF sounds like my kinda guy. I have nothing but contempt for these viral kinds of thing and I’m very much in the “ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer” camp.

  8. All of the “don’t seem like they knew they were being recorded” people know they’re being recorded.

    You try filming someone on your phone without them noticing. It’s not easy, especially if you know your partner is an avid user of tik tok.

  9. Also tiktokers usually script all the shit they make to appeal to their audience, if it has many female members in it, it is obvious why they gave answers like that.

  10. When she wakes up in the morning and her hair makes her look like the biggest Flock of Seagulls fan ever.

  11. Wow! What a question. Thanks for asking.

    My first response was, my wife always looks beautiful. I love looking at her, but often have to look surreptitiously. She looks especially beautiful when she is naked.

    After some pondering, I realized that the converse question was probably more informative. When does my wife NOT look beautiful?

    I am ashamed to admit that the only time that my wife does not look absolutely beautiful is when I have said or done something stupid to make her cry. In my experience, I am the only one that can diminish her beauty.

  12. Can I guess that you guys are young? My boyfriend is 39 and I am 25. It gets better when you get older girl. Dating men in their early 20’s has a lot of those moments.

  13. First off, stop believing social media or comparing your life to it.

    Second, in all honesty, women do look pretty when there is a phallic shaped object in their mouths. Banana, frozen treat, candy…anything that purses your lips and concaves the cheeks.

    But, that’s not what I’d say to someone I care about, because while she usually wants to be thought of as sexy, she usually doesn’t want to be reduced to a sexual object.

    Finally, people genuinely look their most beautiful at a moment they aren’t trying to be beautiful. Sometimes, it isn’t even about how you look, but if you do something that reflects well on the man/relationship/family (especially if he’s complimented on it) that’s a beautiful thing.

  14. First thing in the morning, disheveled hair, one eye open.

    And the moment after she has your child.

  15. All the damn time, and I tell her all the time as well.

    Hell I even told her a few months ago she still looked beautiful after throwing up due to how drunk she was and I was having to clean it up, and I genuinely thought she still looked beautiful

  16. The first picture I have of her after giving birth to our son. It was a couple hours later so she was over the birthing ordeal. The smile on her face melts my heart.

  17. Something wrong with a guy enjoying seeing his woman choke on his big, fat cock?

    I feel the most love for my girlfriend when I’m banging her from behind and I can see my 8 inches cock impale her pussy like Excalibur tore a hole into that holy stone it was inside of.

    Jesus christ, people are so overly sensitive these days. Imagine making drama because your boyfriend didn’t say you are at your most beautiful when you are smiling or playing with your hair, or some other adolescent shit.

    Your boyfriend sounds like a wimp. He should have dumped you and go off to get himself a woman who ain’t a catholic prude.

  18. He was obviously just joking. And TikTok is the most heavily scripted and curated media out there, don’t take anything on there seriously.

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