How would you go about a speed dating event?

  1. Different personality with each passing date. These events are a waste of time, so may as well entertain yourself if forced to take part

  2. Do those actually exist?! I always thought they only existed in TV/movies as a convenient way to force an awkward moment.

  3. They have rules, usually, don’t they?

    Follow the rules, and don’t go in with high expectations or let yourself develop them in the moment.

  4. Def one of my most buyers remorse experiences.

    40 dudes, 8-10 females.

    1 Lady had a PHD and wouldn’t settle for anything less than Dr.Gigachad,

    1 Lady from East Europe, gave off Lesbian vibes for some reason, I dunno.

    Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t expecting 10/10 super model beauty queen, I would have been delighted with a 6.5 with a worthwhile personality who had chemistry with me. Fast found out that was a bar much much too high.

    Single moms, meh quality women. meh in looks and matching personality.

    Dr.Gigachad wasn’t in the house. Don’t think anyone wanted a second meetup with anyone.

    If I had anything positive to say, it was one of those experiences that made me glad to be single and not stuck with any of them.

  5. Been to a few. Was a total waste of time and money. Trying to force a connection with a complete stranger in 3 minutes is next to impossible. Went to 3 or 4 and didn’t get a single match. Avoid like the plague if I were you.

  6. Simple, I wouldn’t go. Speed dating doesn’t really give you the ability to make a genuine connection. It’s like dating apps but in real life, you can’t truly understand the context of an individual in such a short amount of time. And that whole notion of spark of attraction blah blah blah. I fundamentally disagree. Infatuation attraction doesn’t last and it ends up more times than not just being a waste of time. Instead what people need to do is have an open mind and genuinely get to know someone to see if they are the right kind of compatibility. I think people would be surprised what kind of genuine connection they can have with others if they look past the superficial and actually get to know someone.

  7. Dress nice, groom your nails and teeth/breath and hair if its unkempt

    Clean up and go in to have fun so it takes the pressure off

  8. If I ever did, show up a little high and a little drunk with my personality turned up to 11.

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