So I used to be very shy and secure, but have gained significant amount of confidence now that I have discovered my core principles, know who I am and the direction I want my life to go. But I know and seeing that people are using subtle tactics such as throwing in little trigger phrases and doing a little verbal cues to assert dominance in social situations. It’s almost like a psychological warfare is being waged in every social interaction. I need someone to teach me these subtle skills of social warfare even though I’m sure no one’s going to. I had to ask anyways because closed mouths don’t get fed.

  1. Reals friends dont try to put others down. I feel like you should keep looking for respectable people you get along with if they are really making a pattern of this.

    As for your girlfriend, she probably values respectable people. You should carry your head high and know your worth… there is more to you as a person than having silly competitions for the best subtle passive agressiveness.

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