So I’m a M(29) who has been seeing an amazing girl F(25) for the past 3 months. It’s easy being with her, we enjoy eachothers company, sex is fantastic, and we always have fun. We even escaped the city earlier this month to enjoy a cabin in the woods with just the 2 of us. She even bought me flowers once which made me laugh.

I have been playing the field for a while now, and would normally date 3-5 girls at a time. This girl has made me want to stop seeing them and focus on her. I stopped seeing other girls for about 1.5 to 2 months and am suprisingly happy with just being with F(25).

I have invited her over tonight so I can cook us both an amazing meal. I want to ask her to be my girlfriend, but for some reason I’m nervous! I don’t normally get nervous, so this is a weird feeling.

I don’t know why I am feeling nervous, but just wanted to post this to get it off my chest. Any advice, comments or positive vibes are appreciated.

Wish me luck ladies and gents 🙂

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  2. The fact you are nervous shows that you really are having positive feelings towards her! My only concern would have you discussed relationship expectations before? Because the last thing you would want is for this to be a surprise for her but If you have this should be an easy layup for you, I’d ask over dinner or maybe just after when yous are sitting down, but have fun with it too and most importantly be yourself cause that is probably what she likes! Good luck buddy

  3. Aw that is exciting news! I’m all for gf proposals. So here are some ideas: You should get her flowers and write a note will you be my girlfriend? Or buy a dessert that says will you be my girlfriend. It would make the moment really special. Good luck!

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