This guy (28M) I (28F) met on a birthday trip in Istanbul have been talking since we met. He’s currently doing residency to be a doctor in the US and based on our conversations, he’s very busy and sometimes I wonder if he’s getting enough rest and sleep. Anyway, I live in Europe and the other day, he just told me that he booked a flight and will have two days here (because he’ll have those days off).

How it started: We stayed at the same hostel and that hostel organized a birthday party when they learned it was my birthday. The hostel staff took everyone bar hopping. On our way to the bar, when I found out that he’s an emergency medicine doctor (not sure if I’m phrasing this correctly), I joked that I hope he makes sure I don’t end up at a hospital just in case I end up drinking a lot.

[Backstory: I ended up at a hospital here in my city months ago because I passed out on dinner party (didn’t eat enough hehe it’s a rare occasion)]

He just agreed and I didn’t expect that he’ll deliver. At the 3rd bar, after accepting too many birthday drinks, I started falling over and he volunteered to leave the party with me to take me back to the hostel. He didn’t drop me off at my room (it’s at the 3rd floor) and we stayed at his (first floor), let me puke and clog his sink, and sleep in his bed. Very wholesome.

The day after, we explored the city together and eventually had sex. No alcohol involved. After Istanbul, traveled in Madrid for a couple of days. Had a great time and then it was time for him to go back to the US. We’ve been talking everyday since.

So sorry for the long story but I just want to know if he likes me or he’s just into traveling and just good timing that he scored a $300+ roundtrip flight. I like him a lot and would love to see him again.

For guys, what will make you want to travel to see a girl again? (I can’t travel to the US yet because my visa appointment will only be on September next year and he knows this) Do I need to plan something with him? Ask him? I also don’t want look like I am demanding. I just want to see him because I like him a lot.

(I posted this in another group but got two different responses 😅 So I’m posting it here to get more insights. Help!!! Thank you!)

1 comment
  1. “I really enjoyed our time together and want to see you again because I like you a lot.”

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