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  1. I would pick not having to wipe after poops, just a perfectly clean non smelly butt-hole..

    Lol 😂

  2. If I could choose any superpower, it would be the power to read people’s thoughts. Although it would be a very mediocre superpower, it would still be useful in many situations.

  3. The ability to know exactly when microwaved food is hot enough to eat without burning your mouth.

  4. So to make sure I’m understanding the question, I can have a power but it can’t be an awesome power like super speed, flying, regeneration, right?

    Because if that’s the case I’d like the power to be fluent in any human language on the planet.

  5. The ability to restore left-overs to the quality they were at when originally cooked. It won’t help the world, but it’ll help my depression.

  6. When thinking negative things about me , people will trip and fall on their face

    Edit: when

  7. I have full control of butthole portal!

    Need a shit? I can just go and have the poop appear in someone else’s pants.

    Someone tried to stick something up there without consent? Well go ahead, but I’m teleporting straight to going up your butthole instead.

    Want to steal something? Just slide it up there and have it fall into my bedroom, safely away from prying eyes.

    Need a fart? Can just let it rip and have the noise and smell come from anywhere I want, even right next to someone’s head.

  8. An ability to walk through crowds of tourists without getting stopped in front of, or jostled.

  9. I would have the power to make people feel really guilty about their sins.


    for I. AM. GUILTYMAN!!!

  10. Really low level telekinesis, like being able to snuff a candle or nudge a ball on a roulette table.

  11. Heh, this is a question I ask at parties! Only instead of “very mediocre” I always ask “can’t be used either for crime or to fight crime”.

    I always liked “Can see the future so long as there aren’t numbers”

    “Microwave fingers. Always be able to heat up hot pockets”

    “The gift of flight but only to stop myself from experiencing a fatal fall. Like, feather fall but in real life”

    “Know all the stats: not just ‘how far is the earth from the sun?’ but stuff like, how many baseballs have been swallowed by sharks? What are the odds of being licked by an alligator on a Thursday? When will the last high five be offered and will the person be left hanging?”

    “Laser-pointer eyes. So I don’t have to point where I’m looking and people just know what I’m trying to indicate at a distance”

    Stuff like that.

  12. I used to exit through the front door then go around and come in thru the back. My kids would ask what the Hell I was doing. I’d tell them it was my superpower.

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