I’m making a homework about change of prices in the basic basket and I’d like to know what are the most consumed or most common foods in an American household. What are the products that you typically buy in your weekly/monthly grocery shopping?

Note: I know America is diverse but I’m looking are those products that buy the most

  1. Eggs are prob #1, cuz I make them daily but not a real necessity. Various cuts of chicken (breast, wings, thighs) can be for lunch/dinner. Fruits/vegetables are essential

  2. This doesn’t necessarily apply to me, but: Pasta, rice, bread, milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs, oil (vegetable or olive), flour, sugar, salt, butter, chicken breast, ground beef, coffee, bananas, and broccoli are commonly purchased across cultures here.

    Other stuff is seasonable or by preference

  3. Pasta of varying shapes, shaving razor blades, yogurt, apples, lactose-free milk, sliced bread, granola, beer, and dog treats. That’s the stuff I’m often in charge of acquiring and my mom gets whatever else is necessary.

  4. Bread, milk , hamburger meat, frozen vegetables, Campbell chunky sup, peanut butter, red diamond sweet tea, coffee, turkey pot pie, bacon, eggs, sausage/egg/cheese biscuits, frozen burritos,

  5. Pasta, bread, vegetables (canned and fresh), cheese, eggs, butter or margarine, milk, lemon juice, meat or vegetable stock, cooking oil like olive oil, meats like chicken breast, ground beef, sausage, lunch meat, bacon, maybe steak or roast… basic baking ingredients like flour, sugar, shortening… frequently used spices like salt and pepper…

  6. It will vary a lot between regions, cultures but some quintessential things that come to mind: Eggs, bacon, ground beef, cow’s milk, pasta noodles, frozen corn/peas, peanut butter, sandwich bread, tomato/chicken noodle soup, cheddar/american cheese, potato chips, orange juice, cola soda, beer.

  7. The things we buy every week and what we always have on hand and replace as needed: Chicken breast, potatoes, onions, rice, pasta (spaghetti, shells, wide noodles), jarred pasta sauce, tomato paste, orange juice, milk, yogurt, bread, mayonnaise, sandwich meat, tuna, sriracha, cucumber, tomato, lettuce, frozen veggies, bananas, ice cream, flour, sugar, cooking oil, butter, variety of cheese, ranch dressing, frozen garlic bread, coffee, cream, salt, pepper and a variety of spices plus fresh seasonal fruit and eggs

  8. Things I get every time: Milk, meat, eggs, cheese, bread, onions, butter, cheese. I get cilantro every time but that’s just me. I love cilantro.

    I also have a steady rotation of veggies like celery, peppers, spinach, carrots, potatoes, corn, kale, Brussel sprouts. So a few of those each time.

    Things I get multiple times a year: toothpaste, soap, mouthwash, socks, toilet paper

    I only go to the store 1x a month, sometimes 2.

  9. pasta, bread, rice, potatoes

    eggs, chicken breast, deli meat

    broccoli peas carrots

    apples, oranges, bananas


  10. Speaking only for myself, 90% of the time my home will have: ice cream (it’s a deeply rooted family thing), bagels, some form of carrot (baby, shredded, sliced), salad dressing (typically at least ranch & blue cheese), pasta, cheese (shredded or sliced), crackers, butter, rice, and frozen veggies

  11. Bread, pasta, beans, rice, butter, some sort of milk or “milk” product, probably beer or soda. Also, of course, a bag of baby carrots bag have shriveled up.

  12. For me: vegetable stock, pasta, broccoli, potatoes, butter, milk, eggs, bread, ice cream, grapes, strawberries, tomatoes

    Non-foods: toilet paper/paper towels, cat food and litter, laundry detergent

    I feel like there’s gotta be more but I’m really drawing a blank on the other staples

  13. Things I’d consider staple foods in America:

    * Milk
    * Bread
    * Eggs
    * Pasta
    * Pasta sauce
    * Rice
    * Beans (Green, Pinto, or Kidney)
    * Cheese (Cheddar, Parmesan, Mozzarella)
    * Oil (Vegetable or olive)
    * Bacon
    * Butter
    * Peanut Butter
    * Coffee
    * Sugar
    * Ground beef
    * Chicken (breasts, wings, thighs)
    * Pork
    * Turkey
    * Flour
    * Potatoes
    * Tomatoes
    * Onions
    * Bell Peppers
    * Carrots
    * Celery
    * Broccoli
    * Corn

  14. Eggs, bread, milk, cereal, some type of meat, fish, fruits, cheese, deli meats as well (sandwich ingredients), noodles, canned goods, etc.

    Not in any particular order.

  15. I always have eggs, potatoes, onions, something green (broccoli, leafy greens, peas), and fruit (usually either bananas, apples, or oranges) stocked.

  16. Weekly: ground beef, red onion, potatoes, even if I don’t get to them, I’ll buy them to have around to cook up.

    Less often but at least monthly: white bread, pasta, peppers, celery, tomatoes, other meats (ham, sausage, bratwurst, deli meat) lettuce, canned corn, green beans, and other stuff depending on what I’m cooking up.

  17. Different every week, but probably most common:

    Eggs, Bread, Pasta

    Green Beans, Broccoli, Carrots, Tomatoes, Onions, Mushrooms

    Chicken Breast, Ground Beef, Cheese

    Flour, Sugar, Corn Starch, Olive Oil, Butter

  18. Milk, butter, peanut butter, breads, apples, eggs, yogurt, boxed cereal, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, orange juice.

  19. My farmers market haul this week was collared greens and carrots. I also got a chocolate croissant from a bakery. I didn’t need them this week but I usually get (frozen) local ground beef and local eggs from the farmers market as well.

    Cereal, coffee beans, pastas and noodles of all sorts (could be Asian style noodles, spaghetti, boxed macaroni and cheese or a lot of other things), yogurt, green peas, corn, and dark chocolate are other staples of my household.

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