I get a lot of flack for this. Some people say it’s okay. Some people say it’s not.

Is it bad that I asked me friend if she still wanted to stay friends with this other girl?

Is it bad to ask?

I don’t see how it’s bad to ask? I didn’t force her or demand her to stop being friends with her. I just asked.

  1. It’s not “bad.” There is no “bad.” Behaving authentically is the right thing to do. Do as you need.

  2. I feel like it depends on the context. I’ve asked friends not to hang out with certain people who have deeply hurt me, and they understood. If I were to ask an acquaintance or someone I don’t know very well if they were still going to be friends with someone else due to the hurt that person caused me, I think it could come off as a bit controlling and weird. I really think it depends on what the person did, your friends’ relationship with that person, the way you asked them that, etc.

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