Tl;dr: basically this girl I date is saying she doesn’t wanna put a label on things but we are exclusive and we are building (Me M/27 her F/24)

Full story: Listen people I need y’all opinion. So I went after this girl I worked with ( met her October the 8th) she said yes to a date flaked asked me on 1 a week later we went on like 4 dates I confessed my love she friend zoned me, she went out with another guy. I Became a little distant out of respect. A day or so later me and her had a moment where we talked all night in the car and she started to like me. We went on more dates we said I love you to one another she says she doesn’t want a relationship, but is only entertaining me, we spend all our time together, we have recently started to become sexual, it took me forever to get a kiss ( she is a virgin ) she didn’t wanna kiss because she said she was scared she wouldn’t feel anything for me. She said the kiss was amazing. She said no man has ever loved her the way I do, my words excite her, but she is confused because even though she wasn’t looking to date, me treating her like my girlfriend made her feel safe and she started to like me. I guess I’m asking is she worth sticking it out for or not how do you guys think this is gonna end bad, will she ever want a relationship, or am I just over thinking, ( we don’t mess with any other people we’re exclusive)

1 comment
  1. You have a very adolescent view of dating and relationships.

    It is ridiculous to expect anyone over the age of 14 to be exclusive with you after only a few dates.

    There is no such thing as “friend-zoning”. There are only people hanging out and pretending to be a friend while hoping the other person eventually breaks down, gives in, and has sex with the fake friend.

    > will she ever want a relationship, or am I just over thinking

    If you have to ask these questions, it is way too early in the relationship to ask for or give exclusivity. She should keep dating other people (especially people she does not work with) and so should you. After 25 or 30 dates, and multiple conversations about how each of you see your futures individually, you can talk about whether you are compatible in a long-term committed relationship and working toward a shared future.

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