There’s three or four Women at work who are spreading rumours around. It’s really petty playground stuff. We mutually dislike each other (obviously), but for me it just ends there. I just avoid them. That’s it. I don’t have time for drama.

  1. Because they get away with it. Trying to put a stop to it gives her the “valid” reason to put you further down

  2. Women are crazy. They will scheme and hold grudges for ages. Guys just throw hands or one puts the fear of God into the other and then we’re good.

  3. If you’re being harassed at work, jusy contact HR or something. If not that serious, then just move on. Like you said, it’s childish stuff.

  4. Because men fight and women use defamation, men fight for the same reason women use character defamation. The biggest shit talkers are normally the weakest physically

  5. Because she can’t beat you up most likely.

    How else are you doing to defeat your enemies if you can’t use physical force?

  6. That happened to me at two different jobs. The first time the woman claimed I was an alcoholic that got drunk at lunch time. I barely drank at all. She didn’t like me because she was my manager at one time and got demoted. She still expected me to do what we she told me and didn’t like that I didn’t.

    The second time I’m not even sure why they didn’t like me but two women at another job started rumors about me. I just left the job. I can’t work like that. It was a professional corporate job and these women were in their 40s-50s.

    No idea why ppl do that.

  7. Is not just “petty” is downright sociopathic, their entitlement and narcissism is out of this world. I have had the missfortune of rejecting several women in my life and their reaction was something to behold.

  8. I need to preface i’m never the initial bully. I just bully people back, i am a better bully than them. And the way i bully people is the way girls do it. Mental and emotional games. I just do it bordering on disrespectful, riding that line until they submit and bend to my will

  9. Women are socialized (and in most cases, reality of men being physically stronger makes this the smart play anyway) in such a way that punching you in the face is not a practical option for them.

    So they find another way to do it, just like we would in the same situation.

    They’ll often do so to each other, too, because it’s not socially acceptable for them to be physically aggressive.

  10. Ha, when I was younger, this happened to an older cousin of mine. He went to her husband and told him that if he didn’t get his wife in line, then those two would have problems. The implications were very clear and wouldn’t you know, she stopped. This is some grade-A redneck shit right here.

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