Me and my girlfriend have been having sex everyday for the past 9 months, and while sometimes it’s normal to have a bit of smell that lingers lightly, it’s starting to become my off switch. I’m trying to overcome this mentally but it’s like it’s an off switch in my mind. How do I tell her this without making her feel like she’s the problem?? I

  1. What is telling her going to do? Is she not showering daily? I don’t think there’s much she can do to control/change it as it’s a hormonal thing. Buy her a bidet?

  2. If you two are mature enough to have sex then you two should be mature enough to talk openly about anything. Part of being in a trusted and committed relationship is about being able to be open and honest with each other and not just about the good stuff but also the difficult stuff as well. Just do it politely and reassure her that you love her. Hopefully she doesn’t take it to heart. Good luck

  3. You tell her like this “hey so, I wanted to share my thoughts with you but I’m afraid I’d make you feel like you’re the problem. You’re not, I just want to do this for you more but there’s a thing that’s challenging me a bit. I’m noticing a slight odor down there sometimes and I’m also wondering that it could be a health issue.” and so on. There you go! Important talks in a relationship to have

  4. It’s almost impossible to tell her this without making her feel like she’s the problem, because you’re telling her that there’s something about her that is the problem.


    So it really comes down to whether it’s worth it to tell her. I think that boils down to whether you believe there is a way to fix it or not and how bad it is for you.


    First, has this changed? If yes I would focus on the fact that it’s different, because that could indicate some kind of infection.


    If it hasn’t changed, is it worse some times than other times? Either related to her hygiene (only after it’s been a long time with a shower?) or actually related to the times you have sex (you’re having sex frequently, I’ve had guys who hate the smell of their own cum or the smell of a condom so consider if that might be causing it).


    If it’s like this all of the time and hasn’t changed, then there’s no real reason to think that it’s possible for her to change this and it’s probably not worth bringing up.

  5. Frame it as concern for her health. A bad odour can mean bacterial infection or yeast infection

  6. It is better to tell her straight… There’s nothing wrong telling the person you love the truth to improve herself… right?

  7. If you’ve been having sex everyday, her PH balance might be off. Vaginas are self cleaning and need time to “air out”. Maybe skip a couple of days and see if it improves.

  8. If you’ve been having sex everyday for the last 9 months it’s likely her ph balance is off. The vagina is self-cleaning so it might just need some time to “air out”. Take a few days off and see if there’s any change in odor.

    It might also be effected by her diet. If she’s been eating more unhealthy or drinking less water lately, that might have had an effect on the smell and taste.

    However, if the smell suddenly changed and has been constant for a while she might also have a vaginal infection or sti/std. This is serious stuff and should be checked by a professional immediately. If this is the case you need to tell her so she can receive proper treatment.

    Saying something along the lines of “I noticed that your smell has changed a bit lately, maybe you should get it checked just in case?” is a simple way of bringing up your concerns. DO NOT express that it turns you off. Express concern for her health. If her health is fine then it’s just her natural scent, and this changes throughout a woman’s entire life.

  9. I would ask her if she got her Pap smear and annual women’s health checkup. Anything like yeast or BV will show up in the labs with a thorough enough obgyn. Regardless of the problem you’re mentioning, it’s very important for her to stay on top of her health when sexually active.

  10. If you are not using condoms, the semen plus her juices can be smelly the next day. If she showers, it will be better, but you are likely smelling the combination of both your body fluids.
    If you skip a day, it might give her vag time to recover. If not, I would see a gyn and get checked.

  11. Not to be gross, but my vag smells disgusting after sex, mostly due to the guy’s cum and how that interacts with my natural bacteria and whatnot. You need to make sure she’s showering after every time you fuck, washing YOU off her completely lol and maybe wait a few days in between, especially if you’re cumming in her. Her vagina probably smells normal, sex every day is gonna affect that though.

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