So I (30M) have largely been taking a break from dating, but still occasionally browse hinge. I ended up matching with this beautiful woman (28F) who shares a lot of interests in common with me. She’s breaking into the tech world, and being recently into tech myself, we connected and she asked for a lot of advice.

We moved from hinge to texting after a few days, and she was really receptive, asking me every day how my day was, how she appreciated our shared interests and all that. We’re both busy people so we usually have one or two long texts a day that we send each other. We set up a possible time to meet next week given that we both have time. I ended up opening hinge later that day and saw she unmatched me, and she never responded to my last text.

I’m pretty used to people ghosting with online dating, but usually it’s after the conversation dries out, or we just didn’t click after the first date. This one is a bit weird to me because the last text she sent me was a paragraph which I responded to, and she never got back to me. I’m wondering if Hinge either glitched out and unmatched us, and she thinks I’m the one that unmatched her. But at the same time, I’m the last one that texted her.

I don’t mind chalking this up to a loss, but I’m wondering if I should text her once more on the off chance she thinks I unmatched her? Logically, I know that’s probably not what happened. It’s also possible she met some other dude, and since we were pretty invested into texting, she unmatched me and ghosted me. Who knows. Wondering what other people’s thoughts are!

TLDR; Woman unmatched me after a string of positive texts, and never replied to my last text. Wondering if I should send one more text just in case there’s a misunderstanding and Hinge glitched out.

  1. You say you have a date arranged with her so you should wait until the day or two before and then message her to confirm if it’s still on

    Either you get no reply and move on, or the date goes ahead

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