What was the main reason you’ve broke off a relationship?

  1. I cannot stand to be around another person for more than a few hours. Makes a relationship impossible for me even though I’d very much like one.

    It’s like craving food that you are deathly allergic to.

  2. Just that I didn’t want to be in it anymore. I didn’t see a future with that person and I wanted to try something new.

    There are lot of variations on that theme. I’ve broken off several relationships because she was too basic; I’ve broken off a few because she was too difficult; I’ve broken off one because she was too drunk.

  3. She was flirting with several of my coworkers. She had real low self control and her doing that was a huge red flag to me

  4. There wasn’t one reason, or a main reason, it was the combination of everything and eventually the last straw broke the camel’s back, it became just too much. If it was only one of any of the reasons I would have stayed.

  5. Constantly causing unnecessary arguments/drama. It just became too much after a while. We were in an airport half way around the world waiting for our return flight home. It had been a long week and I just wanted to sit an relax but she just had to start another fight. I broke it off right then and there. Unfortunately about an hour later we found out the flight had been canceled and we were stuck there for another 2 days.

  6. She was very needy and overly attached. Even when I was in the friendzone, she would be freaking out over me taking 2 or 3 days to myself

    I dedicated to completely abandoning ship when she blew up my phone while I was working, then blew it up even more because I wasn’t responding

  7. Not an actual relationship but I was seeing a woman very often (think work but it wasn’t actually work) I knew liked me and was kind of interested in her. I found out she was obsessed with Eeyore the depressed Disney character from Whinnie the Pooh and had his figurines all over etc.

    It was just such a turnoff I can’t really explain it. Part of it was she was kind of basic otherwise. It wasn’t like she was some alt girl and it may be ironic or just a quirk or something like that. It just made it feel so *old* and I pictured living in a place surrounded by Eeyore and lost qall interested.

  8. I walked away from a 12-year marriage because she turned disrespectful in the last year. She started getting jealous about my gym time and results, though I spent most of my time at home and became argumentative instead of sharing to resolve issues.

    I quickly realized how valuable peace and quiet truly are and that divorce is just an expensive breakup, so no more marriage and cohabitation without a prenup in my future.

  9. After the love is gone, it’s hard to even remain friends. It’s best to just make a clean break, and if possible not see each other again.

  10. Cheating, disrespect, couldn’t keep promises, bad mouthing strangers, bad hygiene, picked up a bad habit.

  11. Most recently we were just having major issues and I felt therapy was the best bet but she flat out refused and I decided if she didn’t care enough to get help then it wasn’t worth it. I’ve also broke off relationships because she was a hoarder, because she wanted kids, because she was stupid jealous and because she slept with a bunch of other guys.

  12. He wasn’t putting any effort in the relationship. He also after breaking it off the second time was asking me if wanted to marry and have his children when he couldn’t hold a job. (He was 22 and I was 17)

  13. I couldn’t just stay home some night and watch TV. We had to get together every gd night. Eventually, it just got to be too much.

  14. Most common reason was one of us would fall in love but not the other. We would give each other time but after awhile would go our separate ways. Odd as is sounds in some cases, we would remain good friends.

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