I had a date with a guy Tuesday night and I had a really great time. There are several dates I enjoy but the last one I enjoyed this much was 6 months ago so it’s a rare feeling for me.

We talked over drinks for 4 hours straight and then he walked me to my car and we made out. He said something about how we should go to a spot that’s a bit closer to where I live for the next date (the place we met up was about 30 minutes from me and 20 minutes from him). I agreed and we kissed a bit more. Then, I said the only problem is I’m out of town for the holidays and I leave Monday. I’d mentioned this earlier in our conversation so he said “Oh, right.. When do you get back?” I told him I get back on the 28th. He didn’t offer any particular day that works, instead we just started kissing again and then eventually said good night.

He texted me shortly after I got home and thanked me again for the date. He said he had a really great time with me and that he’s looking forward to seeing me again soon.

I replied shortly after and pretty much just reaffirmed I feel the same way. It was close to midnight at that point, so I wasn’t particularly expecting him to reply to that. But he didn’t say anything the next day either.

I guess I’m just confused since I’m going out of town on Monday and I would have loved to see him again this weekend. I could tell from before he’s not a great texter so it might also be that, but I would like some sort of text to check in and plan when we’ll see each other next?

  1. It could easily be a miscommunication. He may have assumed that you meant you can’t see him again until after the 28th. If you’d like to have a check in text you may have to initiate it. I see from another comment that you’re already carrying that load, but if it’s do the work or nothing you’ll have to decide which you prefer. For the record if it were me under 26 I would have been nervous to ask you out again this weekend and look too eager. Over 26 I probably would have tried to set something up.

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