Full disclaimer, I am a man and have a honest question for my fellow men. Over the last year, I’ve passively achieved weight loss. I was over 300 pounds. I began intermittent fasting without exercise or changing my diet and have seen gradual weight of about 60+ lbs. Now going to actively shoot for another 60 lb weight loss. Mostly to boost my confidence for meeting women. But can significant weight loss truly change aspects of your life besides appearance? Or will weight loss not make a real difference in my life?

  1. Most people, including women, are less attracted to obese people. Being less, or not, obese would make you more attractive to most women.

  2. You’ll get a lot more first and second dates, but after that you’ll still need a personality.

  3. Never was more than 205 lbs (at 6’1″)

    But when I did low-carb to lose weight (to a 185 or so), it (keto) boosted my mood considerably

  4. If you are not too overweight then not much changes. I did weight loss myself just because I dont like fat on my abdomen area etc.. I don’t think women are as interested in seeing your sculpted body or six packs thing (I never went there I only focused on just shedding fat) in my case some even complain why I lost weight. Thirst factor did change but in all honesty I don’t like the types who are only interested in your body and constantly sending thrist signals (bad experience with all of them too selfish and drama queens) whereas genuine women in my experience do not see your body fat as a deciding factor unless you are too fat.. A little bit of chub is alright and as I said earlier I am hearing complains why I lost weight :D.

  5. Yes, you will, not only for looks, but also that confidence boost will help you feel comfortable. Being attractive helps you get in the door, the confidence, charm, and personality gets you to stay.

  6. No difference for me, been numerous weights in my adult life from 150 to 200 lbs. No real success.

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