What time do you usually go to bed and how many hours of sleep do you usually get?

  1. I usually go to bed at 21:30-22:00 and get up at 05:00-05:20 on workdays.

    During a vacation or weekends I go a bit later to bed and get up at around 08:00

  2. I go to bed around 10. Sleep around 10:30. Wake up at 7:30. I sleep A LOT. I have the time so why not.

  3. Usually around 10 or 11pm. I wake up at 6am every morning so I get roughly 7-8 hours sleep and it works perfectly for me 🙂

  4. I’m an early bird, so I start winding down for the night at around 9 to be out like a light by 11.

  5. I usually sleep 6 hours or 7 hours, I go to bed about 10pm or 11pm and my baby wakes at 5am or 6am.

  6. During a stressful week, I get like 4 hours of sleep (because I stay up too late). During regular times, I get at least 8 hours of sleep.

  7. Usually between midnight and 1am-ish, and I get up at 8.30am, during the week. On weekends I go to sleep around the same time or a little later, and sleep till whenever I wake up.

  8. 9pm, asleep by 10pm, wake up between 5 and 7am.

    Its been blood, sweat n tears to get to this point and a tonne of drugs but I do have a pretty good sleep pattern now

  9. My work schedule between 2 different job is absolute whack. On some days I go to bed at like 9 or 10 and get up at 5 or 6 and other days I go to bed at 1 am and wake up around 9-10ish. It’s destroying my circadian rhythm

    In my perfect world, I’d go to bed between 11-1am, get up around 8 or 9 and work at 10 am. One day I hope :/

  10. Dog wakes me up at 6am and I typically go to sleep at around 10 or 11. But ill be in bed by 9

  11. I usually go to bed between 11-12:30. And I get up at 3 for work. So three or so hours of sleep. I generally make up for it on the weekends.

  12. I usually go to sleep between 7 and 9 pm and get up when I wake up: in summer it’s between 4 and 5, in winter between 6 and 7. When I go to work in the morning, my alarm is set up to 6, but I almost always wake up before that.

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